Make having multiple ADOM versions installed easier
issueid=1190 08-20-2012 10:39 PM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by Alucard: 22
Make having multiple ADOM versions installed easier
Command-line switches for high score file location and folder

I run, though I did not write the supporting scripts for, a public ADOM SSH-accessible server. I have been investigating inserting 1.2.0xx into the current ecosystem.

The server wrapper allows players to choose between ADOM 1.0.0 and 1.1.1. It keeps the profile data of different versions separate by making ~/ a symlink to a version-specific directory based on which version of ADOM the user has selected. I guess ADOM_HOME does this on Windows, but that doesn't work on Linux and I don't see an equivalent.

The normal way to share a HISCORE file with other users on the system is to create a file named /etc/adom_ds that just contains the desired folder for the .HISCORE file to live in. On the server, the high score files for different versions are kept separate by - as far as I can tell - a binary patch to the ADOM executables that cause each version to look for a different /etc/adom_ds* file.

I do not have the technical ability (yet?) to replicate the binary patching, so I'm looking at being able to enable 1.2.0 on the server by just using the default /etc/adom_ds file and replicating the symlinking for the new version, but if (when?) 1.3.0 comes out I will have trouble with the HISCORE file and may have to choose between 1.2.x and 1.3.0.

So my RFE is twofold:

(1) Add a command-line switch to the ADOM executable that allows users to specify their desired .HISCORE file location, or a way to tell ADOM to look at a specific adom_ds file

(2) Add a command-line switch to the ADOM executable that allows users to specify their desired profile folder.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1190
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Linux
Status Suggested
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 2
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 4
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users jt
Tags (none)

08-21-2012 02:16 AM
Senior Member
(3) Make dumping the high score file to text with the -S option not require a TTY or any user input. The behavior when ADOM_HS.LCK exists may need to be changed (sleep, don't wait for input, repeat a couple times, quit?)

Basically someone was winning right as the automated script tried to dump the high score file, and wedged the script and the other script that depended on it. Dumping the high score also requires a TTY of the same size ADOM does, causing issues when trying to do that in an unattached 'screen' session (fortunately it works well in unattended 'tmux'). I think that dumping the high score list to text should be fully automatable.

08-22-2012 09:45 PM
Senior Member
Seems more important if we´re gonna be play-testing multiple versions - the "almost nightly builds"

09-30-2012 05:08 PM
Senior Member
(4) If a game is in progress, make ADOM save and quit upon receiving signal 15 (or 14, or 1, or USR1..) -- something so that I can cleanly reboot the server without losing players' time.

12-10-2012 10:20 AM
The Creator
As Jochen fiddles a lot with the infrastructure I'll redirect this ticket to him :-)

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