Rolled a Mist elf merchant. Died on the second turn.
issueid=1443 12-14-2012 02:39 AM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by tapi: 2
Rolled a Mist elf merchant. Died on the second turn.
Starting ring death

The ring which is equipped by merchants in the beginning can cause semi-insta death (unless you remove it on the 1st turn) on the second turn for mist elves.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1443
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Windows 7
Status Fixed
Priority 3
Affected Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 7
Fixed Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 8
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-14-2012 03:25 AM
Ancient Member
Ring of Stun resistance. Without spoilers / metallurgy, we're at a loss to know how to behave.

Side question - what missile skill should throwing gold train, if any?

12-14-2012 04:56 AM
Ancient Member
No spoilers needed to know this, unless you consider the manual too spoily.

If you don't know what it's made of, then play it safe and remove it at start.

I agree, a Mist elf should not start with lower metal items equipped, it's not as if entering the Drakalor Chain is his/her first day on the job.

12-14-2012 05:21 AM
Senior Member
Quote Originally Posted by Stingray1
No spoilers needed to know this, unless you consider the manual too spoily.

If you don't know what it's made of, then play it safe and remove it at start.
Doesn't make sense, though, for a being that dies when it wears an "impure metal" to walk into the Drakalor Chain wearing an object of impure metal. So that certainly needs to be fixed.

12-14-2012 05:26 AM
Ancient Member
Yes, as you can see, I realized that is illogical.

12-14-2012 08:20 AM
Ancient Member
I've also experienced strang behavior with rings.

1) Roll a wizard till you get some metal rings
2) Go to Terinyo
3) Equip rings
4) Wait several turns - no messages
5) Exit Terinyo - death immediately.

Sometimes it doesn't work and damage applies normally in Terinyo itself. Sometimes it's this way.

12-17-2012 12:38 PM
The Creator
It's a combination problem: I messed up a calculation that causes more damage than it should in wilderness. And you should not wear more than one impure metal ring. Sadly the broken calculation kills mist elves in the wilderness.

12-23-2012 09:44 AM
Ancient Member
Is this related to the fact that Mist elves seem to take damage from one iron ring when they don't have gauntlets equipped? (I always thought rings went inside gauntlets; that's how ADoM usually treats it anyway). If not, I can open a separate bug report, but didn't want to clutter things up.

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