Starting questions have more impact on character creation
issueid=2386 10-06-2013 02:09 PM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by BenMathiesen: 99
Starting questions have more impact on character creation

It might be fun if the questions you answer during character creation affect your initial alignment as well as your stats.

For example, I feel like playing a hurthling thief who's a real bastard. So I kill my master and take his stuff, laugh at the slaves' suffering, take coins from the beggar's dish, and so on. It seems like this should be enough to drop me down to CN, or at least NL!

Personally, I wouldn't mind if this had a major effect on alignment (able to change a L race to C), but a minor effect would be OK too.

  • Going through the question system has at least one possibly undesired effect, if you're doing it to min-max your stats.
  • Increases the role-playing immersion of the character creation system

Taking it farther:
  • If a question implies you gain an item or $$, add item to character's inventory at start of game (e.g. pendant of mana, random ring, leather boots [0,+1]...)
  • If the questions change your alignment to a different category (L/N/C) from the default for your race and class, then your piety starts at zero -- no free prayers.
  • Some questions could start you off with an intrinsic as well as an item (e.g. demanding a price from the fairy has a 50% chance of giving you lucky or cursed)
Issue Details
Issue Number 2386
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Suggested
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 17
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 6
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

10-06-2013 02:31 PM
Joe Joe is offline
Senior Member
I like this!

10-10-2013 10:10 AM
I... *sort* of like this.

For example, I feel like playing a hurthling thief who's a real bastard. So I kill my master and take his stuff, laugh at the slaves' suffering, take coins from the beggar's dish, and so on. It seems like this should be enough to drop me down to CN, or at least NL!
Yes. Very *DEFINITELY* yes.

If a question implies you gain an item or $$, add item to character's inventory at start of game (e.g. pendant of mana, random ring, leather boots [0,+1]...)
No. Very *DEFINITELY* no. I don't want questions to give this much a random advantage in the beginning. Stick with alignment shifts. That will still open up some other types of min-maxing (I'd use questions *all the time* to make my Hurthlings and Dwarves neutral in the beginning for pickpocket access) but I don't feel that it would offer as 'physical' a difference as actually being given an item.

10-12-2013 01:16 PM
Senior Member
I hesitated about posting the idea of adding items, but in the end decided that none of the implied items were significant enough to worry over. I'd be more excited to find out my wizard starts with a robe [+0,+3] than a pendant of mana, for example. Sure, the pendant is nice to have and might give me a few extra PP in the early game, but that's no big deal. The sole point of the feature request is to make the creation questions feel more like real history. Then of course, just because your character had an item at one point, doesn't mean they still have it when the adventure begins...

But I'm not bothered by the items, and if TB likes the idea I'm happy with whatever version of this idea he sees fit to implement.

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