Option to display character stats at top of screen
issueid=3226 07-23-2014 03:34 PM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by shockeroo: 50
Option to display character stats at top of screen
I would love an option to see my character stats at the top of the screen, by the message buffer

I would love an option to see my character stats at the top of the screen, probably above the message buffer.

[Edit: This may be a mostly ASCII issue, since noteye has a hp bar, and bubble animations coming.]

I recently realised that during intense combats, I constantly have to flicker my eyes from the very top to the very bottom of the screen to track both the combat messages and the changes to my HP. Once I became aware of this, it became increasingly annoying, and I realise that this has been slowing me up for years (or sometimes, leading me to not look closely at one or the other, rushing and getting killed). I expect many people who are used to the current display would like the option to retain it, but I also believe that the game would be much more pleasant and functional to play with the character stats adjacant to the message buffer.

I have attached an image of what the game would look like with the stats at the top of the screen. The white lines are a side-effect of my poor cut/pasting in paint, but I do sort-of like having a divide between the stats, the buffer, and the graphics - so perhaps that is something to consider as well?
Issue Details
Issue Number 3226
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version ADOM r50
Implemented Version ADOM r53
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-23-2014 03:41 PM
Senior Member
Actually, your eyes are in the center of the screen, on your character - not on messages or character stats. That's why video games prefer to put almost all information in bubbles.
So once http://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=3179 is implemented, this feature won't be needed.

07-23-2014 03:46 PM
Ancient Member
Quote Originally Posted by SinsI
Actually, your eyes are in the center of the screen, on your character - not on messages or character stats. That's why video games prefer to put almost all information in bubbles.
Well...duh? That's why you have to flick your eyes to the top of the screen and then the bottom of the screen. That issue doesn't take care of ASCII.

I'm kind of torn - I really do like the interface as it is (character stats down bottom makes plenty of sense just intrinsically imo), but you're right that it does slow you down a lot when you think about it.

07-23-2014 04:37 PM
Senior Member
I should note that I'm primarily an ASCII player.

SinsI: At present, when navigating, my eyes center on the screen. However, during dangerous combats I pay almost no attention to the centre of the screen and follow the message buffer and my HP only - especially mid-late game.

The HP bar in noteye helps a lot and the bubbles might fix it completely for noteye. It's still an issue for ASCII for me though.

11-23-2014 02:14 PM
The Creator

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