Swapping position and traps
issueid=3711 05-18-2015 05:14 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by etymancer: 16
Swapping position and traps

In the Mana Temple came across a "friendly" gnoll in the traps area. I noticed that when I swapped places with it other monsters didn't seem to move; checked the turn counter and indeed no turns pass however many times I swap back and forth. Not sure if it's swapping *to* or *from* a trapped square that does it (or, I suppose, some other factor that I'm missing). Testing in exploration mode I wasn't able to reproduce the behavior on a normal level with a companion or a random non-hostile. I wonder if it has to do with the effective "trap immunity" that monsters sometimes have (where they won't trigger traps unless frightened or stunned etc.).
Issue Details
Issue Number 3711
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Linux
Status Duplicate
Priority 7
Affected Version ADOM r57
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone Potential work pipeline
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-04-2015 03:44 PM
Junior Member
This may not have anything to do with traps: the same behavior occurs in the big Ice room, where all the ice creatures are friendly. You can swap position repeatedly with one or more of them and nothing else happens.

11-18-2015 09:34 PM
Junior Member
Just an update: still a problem in r60. The problem has nothing to do with traps. Under some circumstances, at least, you auto-swap places with a friendly (or possibly just "peaceful") monster, the turn counter is not increased and nothing else happens. This is particularly noticeable in the big ice cave.

11-18-2015 10:18 PM
Junior Member
Not sure if it's a bug or actually intended to be a feature. Swapping places with friendly monsters isn't considered a major use of time. I remember something about monks swapping for free.

08-21-2016 03:13 PM

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