Please suppress repeated messages more aggressively
issueid=5510 10-27-2017 02:26 AM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by moozooh: 17
Please suppress repeated messages more aggressively

Hitting space on every turn in ToEF and Arena is incredibly frustrating. ADOM Sage had it perfectly; that is the behavior I'm seeking. Pretty sure nobody else would complain about this proposal. Should be a reasonably simple change as well.

Playing on Steam 2.3.5 beta.
Issue Details
Issue Number 5510
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All Steam Versions
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version ADOM 2.3.6
Implemented Version ADOM 3.0.2
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

10-27-2017 06:17 AM
Junior Member
You can add the unwanted messages in adom.msg under the :suppress section.

10-27-2017 04:05 PM
Ancient Member
Quote Originally Posted by Harkila
You can add the unwanted messages in adom.msg under the :suppress section.
ToEF is not so simple. The "You resist the searing flames." message is actually two separate messages, and suppressing "You resist the" will mess up every elemental damage resistance message.

10-27-2017 05:34 PM
Junior Member
Quote Originally Posted by Harkila
You can add the unwanted messages in adom.msg under the :suppress section.
Too much work for something that modern games do by default (and are good for it). Nobody likes to jump through hoops for these trivial things. If the game exhibits annoying behavior by default, the onus is on the developer for making it better.

Quote Originally Posted by Grond
ToEF is not so simple. The "You resist the searing flames." message is actually two separate messages, and suppressing "You resist the" will mess up every elemental damage resistance message.
This is correct. However, right now the typical full message (assuming sources of resistance and equipment protection) looks like this:

The air is extremely hot! You resist the searing flames. Your equipment is protected from the fire by a thin sheet of ice emanating from your (linebreak)
hands. (148 characters total.)

What this means is that, if you are coming into the tower properly prepared, as you should, once every couple turns you have to press space to pass the "more" prompt. I have three suggestions as to how the messages could be optimized in this case.

1. Remove the constant reminder that the air is "extremely hot". We get it already, the place is called Tower of Elemental Flames, is full of fire creatures and is colored in red. There's a nice long message that reminds us every time we step foot onto one of the levels. No need to be this explicit all the time.
2. Shorten the ring of ice message, which for some reason is 91 characters long (e.g. "Your equipment is protected by a layer of rime emanating from your hands", 18 characters shorter).
3. High temperature does not equate to open flame. So instead of "searing flames" I suggest "searing heat" which is more inclusive to the source of fire damage. If #1 is implemented, there will be no awkward repeat of "hot"/"heat".


You resist the searing heat. Your equipment is protected by a layer of rime emanating from your hands. (102 characters.)

This would allow a leeway of 44–45 characters before there is a need for a line break. This is actually enough to fit e.g. drakelings' "You feel dizzy due to the extreme heat!" message (which, itself, could be shortened by 6 characters to "The extreme heat makes you dizzy!"), poison message, or some other logged action/event.

10-27-2017 11:41 PM
The 2-line buffer is the problem. TOEF is one place I switch to the text at the bottom left and then it's fine. Then back to the 2-line buffer cuz it sucks less for most situations.

10-27-2017 11:57 PM
Junior Member
That's a viable workaround, sure. But if you can make it work with two lines as well, then why not do that in the first place? Fixes like this are simple optimizations for the most part, they don't require fundamental changes and can be implemented gradually with community's help; that's the best part. You also get the benefits of increased brevity and loquaciousness of the wording, which makes the information flow faster and more pleasant for the player. It's a win/win.

11-05-2017 11:46 PM
Ancient Member
If I'm not mistaken, a lot of (if not all) messages like You resist the %s. or You feel %s due to %s. are constructed on the fly by the game engine and thus cannot be easily replaced as they are not unique strings.
Of course, only TB knows for sure. Still, the simplest way should be to just suppress the string on a 1:1 basis in the *.cfg file, to avoid having to deal with the confusing regular expressions and all that stuff.

11-13-2017 06:00 PM
Junior Member
The message needs shortening in order to avoid the 2-line buffer issue.
How about "The air is baking!" Or similar? "The air roasts you!"

11-14-2017 10:24 AM
The Creator
I have shortened the messages as suggested.

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