Make gremlins/summoned creatures unpickpocketable
issueid=813 03-19-2012 08:57 AM
Ancient Member
Number of reported issues by Laukku: 56
Make gremlins/summoned creatures unpickpocketable

Gremlin bombing is a scumming method where one makes unlimited gremlins by using a water trap and pickpockets them endlessly, generating huge amounts of items. Making them impossible to pickpocket would be an easy way to break it.
Issue Details
Issue Number 813
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Unknown
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 7
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 4
Votes against this feature 7
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

08-05-2014 11:30 AM
Senior Member
> So yeah, this was a much needed fix

The need was to fix gremlins, not break all the rest of the summoned creatures.

08-05-2014 02:49 PM
Junior Member
Creatures should only be pickpocketable, if they have been called from other existing places, where they live naturally.

If summoning in ADOM means - CREATION of the creature from living matter then of course its pockets should be empty. Otherwise summoning = "calling for help" so creatures teleport in from other places of the world and are existing persons with Social Security numbers and as such - taxable by IRS - so very pickpocketable.

ADOM Creator should decide: are summons real persons/monstersons or summoned creatures are just XEROX copies of a race - for example the gremlin?

In the special case of gremlins, where they replicate via water - they should be unpickpocketable, because this counts as replication - xerox copying the creature - so they cannot have had lives collecting their loot, just popped into existence.

In the case of other summons Thomas ought to decide:

Summoned beings no longer can be picked. The logic here being that it leaves open the question if summoning actually retrieves the monsters from some other place or creates them temporarily. Yes, this thus also affects treasure drops...
This decision makes summoning a creation. Possibly then all creatures to be summoned exist in an infinite number as holographic blueprints on a remote plane of existence, from where they can be called into being and animated. Like in vitro clones or like people on Star Treks Holodeck.

08-16-2014 08:02 PM
gdo gdo is offline
Junior Member
I'm probably alone in thinking that some of these quirks that ADOM had were interesting, even if it may be "gamey" to pickpocket a bunch of gremlins. It's a little depressing to see so many previously viable strategies - stomafillia sacrificing, etc - becoming useless.

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