Displaying stats at the top causes them to display in gray
issueid=4107 11-27-2015 09:12 AM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by shockeroo: 50
Displaying stats at the top causes them to display in gray

When displayed at the top, stats show in dark gray. At the bottom of the screen they are much lighter.

Issue Details
Issue Number 4107
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 9
Affected Version ADOM r64 (v2.0.3)
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone Modernized ADOM UI
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users adom-admin
Tags (none)

11-27-2015 09:32 AM
Junior Member
Is this a bug? In my personal opinion -- and forgive me for being picky, but UI design is a professional interest of mine -- if you're going to put the messages and the stats close together on the screen, I would want to colour them differently so they're visually distinct. ie: it adds to the readability of the overall display.

11-27-2015 06:08 PM
Senior Member
You could well be right. I'd assumed it was to do with long messages fading into gray. They're a little dark for my taste, but it may well be a feature.

11-27-2015 08:04 PM
Junior Member
It may be. I guess we'll find out from the developers here eventually. :)

12-28-2015 08:58 AM
The Creator
It is an intentional feature. I agree that the color might be too dark for some monitors. Any suggestions?

01-02-2016 10:56 AM
Senior Member
Reversing the position of the stats and the message buffer and having them both white might be okay. (I always thought that stats above message would work best for this display mode anyway.)

Otherwise, perhaps a line of '-' or '=' as a divider might work?

01-03-2016 06:30 AM
Junior Member
I have to vote against the line of dashes or equals-signs .. that's just going to look messy. Other than that, I don't have a strong enough opinion on the colouring to suggest anything -- I trying to stay with the new NotEye look and spot any issues with that.

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