Proposing a new floor trap
issueid=6136 03-22-2018 03:07 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by moozooh: 17
Proposing a new floor trap
been a while since we had any

So, how about a bear trap? Seems like a good and sufficiently distinct addition to the current roster of traps which has been the same for over a decade IIRC. What's best, there are lots of opportunities to make it both flavorful and not as annoying as the worst offenders (looking at you, stone block).

• Single-use. Traps the character, rendering them immobile similar to being webbed, and forcing to pry the trap open (this happens automatically, no need to move or do anything specific). Healing oneself is allowed during the effect.
• Inflicts damage over time until pried open. Total damage should not exceed that of a stone block trap of the same level under standard conditions. The reason is that I want there be more non-instant-kill traps that you can react to and use strategically. Damage will be scaled by DL and mitigated by PV and/or boot material (so e.g. 7LB users might have to sustain more damage as a result compared to artifact or adamantium/eternium boot users).
• In addition to DoT and immobility, confers a slight DV and energy cost penalty during the effect.
• Base effect duration is 1d6−(St/10 rounded down) turns, so the stronger you are, the easier it is to pry the trap open. This can be enhanced further by luck intrinsics: double duration if cursed, triple if doomed, permanent if both doomed and St less than 10 (can't pry the trap open); 1 in 6 chance to be released on the next turn if lucky (separate saving throw), 1 in 3 if very lucky. The effect can be dispelled with a successful application of a disarm skill/spell or a prayer. Cutting one's foot off is an option to consider for flavor purposes. :p
• Can destroy boots made out of soft/brittle materials (cloth, leather, wood, glass, etc.) and permanently damage iron. B/U/C status and item PV can mitigate this to a high extent (e.g. a blessed pair of [0;5] boots could have a 1/100 chance of being permanently damaged). Additionally, if one steps on it barefoot or wearing non-rigid boots, it may inflict a 1/6 chance of strong bleeding enhanced by luck intrinsics: 1/12 if lucky, 1/24 if very lucky, 1/3 if cursed, always if doomed or caught in a special bleed effect room.
• Animals and smaller humanoids should be a bit more susceptible to this trap than the average, and have a chance to be caught permanently, so it could be used strategically (e.g. to outrun pursuing cats or breathers). Freeing a creature from a bear trap (by disarming it) would be considered a lawful act. Naturally, flyers and giant creatures (H, D, etc.), as well as legless enemies (W, V, s, etc.) and most types of insects (they have too many legs) should be completely unaffected. Some others could be partially affected (e.g. only held by one turn or held without inflicting damage).
• Because of the obvious strategic benefits, might warrant a lower chance of being generated by a staff/scroll of trap creation than the average.

What do you guys think?
Issue Details
Issue Number 6136
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Suggested
Priority 7
Suggested Version ADOM 3.1.3
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

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