Incorrect Kill Count
issueid=6740 01-31-2022 05:49 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by redeemedmonkeycma: 2
Incorrect Kill Count
The number of kills does not match the numbers killed in the list of vanquished monsters.

At least in my Steam/Paid version, the number of kills listed in the line "## monsters perished under her attacks" doesn't not match the number of enemies that you get when sum the number of enemies.

I first noticed when recording individual monster kills in my spreadsheet - though I don't record every monster, the monsters I was tracking summed to more than the monsters listed in that line. After summing the numbers myself, I came to 477, while that line said 428. On my last run, the summed count was 7626 (plus 7 legendary), but the listed number was 7582. On a different run I picked out (with fewer kills, so triple-checking the count is easier), the summed count is 380, but the listed count is 351. Choosing the lowest run on my high score table (for the Steam Version), I sum to 67 kills, with 67 listed. So, certainly the miscount doesn't always happen, but it happens surprisingly early.

Looking back at my older, non-Steam version (3.3.3 - not the oldest I've had, just the oldest installed on this computer), the two that I checked matched their numbers, with 591 and 167 kills each. Given that the discrepancy showed up with so few kills for the Steam version, I was surprised it wasn't there for the run with 591. This would suggest that the discrepancy is newer than 3.3.3 or is isolated to the paid/Steam version only.

I have not tested whether this affect the in-game kill count.
Issue Details
Issue Number 6740
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Windows 10
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 4
Affected Version ADOM 3.3.4
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

08-25-2022 04:54 PM
Junior Member
Here's a perl script that processes a .flg file and counts monster kills:

perl -wne '/(\d+) .* perished/ and $total = $1; /vanquished/ and $list = 1; $list and /^\s*(\d+)/ and $kill+=$1; /Dispatched/ and ++$disp and $list = 0; }{ $disp ||= 0; print qq{perished: $total\nvanquished: $kill\ndispatched: $disp\n}' <myfile.flg

(On windows one should replace the ' quotes with " for it to work, although I doubt many people have perl on windows these days)

Unfortunately I see no way of extracting the highscores entries but for the flg files that I have this is largely confirmed.

08-25-2022 04:55 PM
Junior Member
perished: 13650
vanquished: 13988
dispatched: 16
perished: 673
vanquished: 698
dispatched: 0
perished: 7204
vanquished: 7238
dispatched: 5
perished: 8522
vanquished: 8952
dispatched: 1
perished: 4003
vanquished: 4108
dispatched: 6
perished: 13201
vanquished: 13524
dispatched: 3
perished: 11732
vanquished: 11954
dispatched: 4
perished: 10313
vanquished: 10643
dispatched: 5
perished: 9095
vanquished: 9095
dispatched: 3
perished: 1973
vanquished: 2006
dispatched: 2
perished: 2223
vanquished: 2307
dispatched: 0
perished: 1263
vanquished: 1301
dispatched: 0
perished: 12003
vanquished: 12307
dispatched: 8

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