Can't suppress "You resist the searing flames."
issueid=2421 10-26-2013 11:39 PM
Ancient Member
Number of reported issues by SirTheta: 79
Can't suppress "You resist the searing flames."

I have the following three lines under :suppress, but "You resist the searing flames." still shows up every turn in TOEF. (Formerly, I did not have the first one that combines them, but I added it to see if it worked. "The air is extremely hot!" is suppressed.).
The air is extremely hot! You resist the searing flames.
The air is extremely hot!
You resist the searing flames.

(In retrospect, maybe I'm just dumb and don't have the right string? Running strings isn't very enlightening; there's no matches for 'You resist', and the searing flames/searing %s are all alone. Maybe this could be cleared up in the manual...I don't see a section for it in part 'U' yet)
Issue Details
Issue Number 2421
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Linux
Status Creator Feedback
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 17
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

10-27-2013 08:40 AM
jt jt is offline
You have to add two separate lines:

You resist the
searing flames.
This is necessary because of the way ADOM builds the message. A small warning: this removes the message all the time, not only in the TOEF.

We probably should find a way to handle the TOEF differently, so that players don't have to suppress the TOEF messages at all.

Adding the SAGE features to the manual is still on the TODO list.

10-28-2013 12:27 AM
Ancient Member
Quote Originally Posted by jt
You have to add two separate lines:
Sorry for the off topic, but since you mentioned this, what lines do I have to do to color a message when a monster punches through armor, crits me, or both? I tried all of the following, but they didn't work.

%s punches through your armor and critically hits you.
%s punches through your armor and %shits you.
%s punches through your armor and hits you.
%s critically hits you.

We probably should find a way to handle the TOEF differently, so that players don't have to suppress the TOEF messages at all.
Perhaps don't show "you resist the searing flames" if the PC is completely resisting fire damage, and make a minimum of 20-30 turns pass between each "the air is extremely hot" message. Also, rings of ice could permanently cover the PC in frost shards as soon as he steps inside (with a special mention about this) and disappear when you leave the place, instead of appearing every turn when the inventory takes fire damage; the rationale being that the place is so hot that the protecting ice has to be regenerated continuously (but without any "the ice regenerates" spam :D).

10-28-2013 05:04 AM
Ancient Member
Continuing on what anon123 said, I actually want all damage the PC takes to be coloured. I don't care about food rotting away and skills advancing.

10-28-2013 10:40 AM
Ancient Member
If you have enough time to research necessary messages, launch ADOM with sage with "-d 3" option (possibly Linux only). Open the log and check out "Message in: <foo>" lines, which represent which messages you need to include in suppression.

-d x or --debug-level=x
Sets debug level to x (a number, may be hex or octal).
The default debug level is 1, which means to log errors only.
A debug level of 3 means to log message processing and may
be useful for setting up your own message lists (see below).
Other debug levels are only of use when debugging or editing
the source.
Debug messages are sent to /tmp/sage.log by default.

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