Nerf PoCC on Andor Drakon (Make him strong like he deserves to be)
issueid=5809 12-07-2017 10:16 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Majora: 6
Nerf PoCC on Andor Drakon (Make him strong like he deserves to be)
Stop cheesy potion from ruining Andor Drakon

Andor Drakon is supposed to be the most dangerous, most feared being in the world. He is the source of all the corruption and the mighty overlord of chaos, he is above all the other Chaos God's and the Supreme, Elder, Chaos God.

He is, but one thing ruins everything about him.

I find it VERY sad that the Potion of Cure Corruption emasculates this invincible god into something that is terribly weak.

One small little potion, and he goes from a god to something that cannot even penetrate your measly adamantium armor. (I could sit in melee range with him and he would not even scratch me at all, I could have taken a nap)

I suggest that PoCC should not work on him AT ALL(besides removing his stat draining melee attacks), a God should not be affected by a tiny weak potion. I have seen many people laugh at how weak Andor Drakon is, saying things like he doesn't matter and only the background corruption matters, he is just a checklist, etc. It is all very sad to me, that people talk about him this way.

Make Drakon the Epic Chaos Elder Lord that he deserves to be, remove the cheesy potion of cure corruption from weakening him.

Especially keep his penetrating melee attacks, and other abilities

Past few Ultra's I fought Drakon with no fear, and I find it very sad that I do not fear the Lord of Chaos. Let us have a final boss that deserves to be feared.

(edit - MTF pointed out, and I agree that maybe the Potion should still be used to remove his Melee attack stat draining you, he could keep his spell that stat drains you, but loses the melee stat drain, that way you can fight him with the trident like you are supposed to, but not get stat drained to nothing)
Issue Details
Issue Number 5809
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Implemented
Priority 2
Suggested Version ADOM 3.0.4
Implemented Version ADOM 3.0.4
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 6
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-07-2017 10:26 PM
mtf mtf is offline
Junior Member
I voted yes for this nerf, but I am worried about stat draining unproportionally affecting melee characters compared to spellcasters... This might be because I have PTSD from the one time I didn't use a potion of cure corruption on Andor, where he quickly stat-drained me to death =P. I would ask that if the nerf were implemented, that some of the stat draining mechanics be looked at as well to make sure that he doesn't become impossible for melee.

12-07-2017 10:28 PM
Junior Member
I’m okay with the idea of nerfing the affect slightly, but as mtf said it would make melee characters lives a living nightmare. I’m not going to vote yes or no, but I’m okay with a slight nerf.

12-07-2017 10:49 PM
The Creator
Adjusted. Andor Drakon is meant to be frightening.

12-08-2017 05:56 PM
Junior Member
It could be cool if he could switch his attacks to melee mode and just go berserk on PC abusing ranged attacks...

Sometimes he could teleport more often (when PC is abusing ball spells and missile range, or if he is wounded too hard in melee)

Last time I fought him he was just standing still 2 fields next to my PC and only casted death ray spells / summoning spawn - regardless of my PC complete DR resistance and powerfull acid ball spell :)

I think he should cast improved lightning/acid balls sometimes to be able to destroy some PC usefull items / pets.

12-09-2017 09:42 PM
Andor Drakon catches your blessed potion of cure corruption. The potion glows black in his hand. He hurls it at you with deadly precision. You become corrupted!

12-09-2017 10:08 PM
Junior Member
Quote Originally Posted by Mr.PelicanPants
Andor Drakon catches your blessed potion of cure corruption. The potion glows black in his hand. He hurls it at you with deadly precision. You become corrupted!

12-11-2017 03:52 AM
Junior Member
I think the adjustment already made is reasonable enough. Yes, Andor Drakon should be terrifying. But rewarding the player for ingenious use of items (see Potion of Uselessness) has always been a key aspect of ADOM. If someone has kept POCCs for the final battle and wastes turns equipping them to the Missile slot to shoot at Andor Drakon, they should receive at least SOME reward :D

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