Bug corpses abuse
issueid=2334 09-11-2013 10:58 AM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by kordi82: 3
Bug corpses abuse
Clearing bug cave will leave multiple bug corpses which can be easily used to increase players speed

So any player strong enough to clear bug cave will have multiple bug corpses that can use to seriously increase own speed and dexterity. While corpses decrease willpower, once the player have 1 Willpower, there is no other negative outcome to the player for eating the corpses. Willpower can be easily trained back using morgia roots therefore even Willpower decrease is only temporary.

Possible solutions:
1. Once Willpower is at 1 - corpses no longer give speed and dexterity bonuses.
2. Once willpower is at 1 - potentials start to drop for willpower. This is more painful than Willpower drop itself.
3. Once willpower is at 1 - other stats start to deteriorate.

The final solution can also be a kind of a mix of the 3 proposed ones. So i.e. at first potentials start to deteriorate and once potential is at 1 other stats are next in line... etc.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2334
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Fixed
Priority 4
Affected Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 16
Fixed Version ADOM r48
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 5
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

01-26-2014 05:30 PM
Issue Changed by jt
  • Status changed from Unconfirmed to Creator Feedback

07-07-2014 06:18 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Creator Feedback to Fixed
  • Issue marked as addressed
  • Addressed version changed from Unknown to ADOM r48

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