Nearby dungeon
issueid=695 12-03-2011 01:27 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Cass: 18
Nearby dungeon
Somewhere to go to in the early game

Fisrt I want to say, I love the random map. The more randomness, the happier I am generally.

However, I think it'd be a good idea to also have a less-random dungeon wich always generates within sight (or nearly so) from the starting location. As it stands now, I sometimes have to eat all my food and see my character starve before even finding a location to enter. While there's usually something to eat inside, if I'd ever survive that dungeon (never happened so far :p) it'd be a real problem to get back to town.

The solution at this moment is to take the survival skill, but with more skills implemented, that will get far more painful. It will also get very much more dangerous, looking for that first dungeon, once there are wilderness encounters. So just one little location to go to quickly and relatively safely and get some xp, gold and items would be a great help to get a character started.

You could do it just for testing and remove it again later.
Issue Details
Issue Number 695
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category Gameplay
Status Implemented
Priority 10 - Lowest
Suggested Version ADOM II 0.2.3
Implemented Version ADOM II 0.2.3
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-06-2011 01:56 PM
Issue Changed by Cass
  • Priority changed from 5 - Medium to 10 - Lowest

02-07-2012 04:32 AM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Issue marked as addressed
  • Addressed version changed from Unknown to ADOM II 0.2.3

02-07-2012 04:33 AM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Suggested to Implemented

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