RFE: Extra eyes and mud
issueid=3328 09-21-2014 06:44 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Muffinator: 2
RFE: Extra eyes and mud
PCs with extra eyes should not be blinded by mud.

It seems preposterous that a single glob of mud could wrap around a person's head to cover an entire ring of eyes. Therefore, PCs with the "10 extra eyes" corruption should not be blinded by a glob of mud. Instead, they should receive -1 to perception as long as the mud is preventing the use of their frontal eyes.
Issue Details
Issue Number 3328
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Suggested
Priority 9
Suggested Version ADOM r51
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 6
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

09-21-2014 08:16 PM
Junior Member
Nice added flavour to the corruption effect. Voting yes. :)

09-21-2014 10:39 PM
Junior Member
Should there be more of a penalty? I'm thinking (but I could be wrong) that your original two eyes would be 'better' that extra ones gained from corruption.

That is, I agree that any characters with a many-eyed corruption should still be able to see after getting spatted with mud, but I think their perception score should be more significantly impacted by it.

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