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Thread: Resurrecting the Adom FAQ and Adom Spoiler FAQ

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    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Lightbulb Resurrecting the Adom FAQ and Adom Spoiler FAQ

    Folks and fellow travelers,

    With the advent of new players along with the new versions (who would've thunk it, huh?) these classic resources (and especially the Adom FAQ) are in need of new maintainers to be brought up to date with the times. They are useful because they are unified quick reference resources for people relatively new to the game and people can refer to them for quick easy answers, where resources like the Guidebook, IGB and wikis are more hardcore, detailed, dense and in-depth, and less beginner friendly. The Adom FAQ is particularly useful because it is the only non-spoily such resource out there (this is reflected in the fact that it was packaged with official distributions of Adom and quite probably will continue to be; see feature 1878).

    A few steps need to be taken for this to happen:

    First, we need to find able bodied people to take up the job. I suggest two maintainers for two documents, as was done in the past (Léon Planken maintained the Adom FAQ and Raymond Martineau the Adom Spoiler FAQ).

    Second, we need to contact the maintainers. Léon should not be hard to find, even if the email address in the AdomFAQ is out of date - he's on facebook. Raymond on the other hand I have not been able to find (I wrote him an email a few weeks ago about precisely this, at the two email addresses I could find online - the one at and the one at, and I haven't gotten an answer yet). If anyone knows how to get a hold of him, I'd appreciate some help.
    The reason they need to be contacted is, first, to ask them to hand over the baton (I don't think they'll have a problem with this, and as a matter of fact I don't think they'd mind if we did it even without asking). Second, and most importantly, so they can give us their original copies. This isn't a deal in the case of the AdomFAQ - it's still online in probably the same form Léon has - but it is in the case of the Spoiler FAQ since if it had to be lifted from the r.g.r.a post, it would need some serious cleaning up in the formatting department, which is doable, but a bit of a hassle; and also because that version is text only and Raymond also used to provide an HTML version.

    Third, we need to contact Andy Williams, since he hosts the AdomFAQ and a bazillion links point to that version, so it would be best if he could host the new versions at the same location. Additionally, if willing, he could become the new host of the Spoiler FAQ. Alternatively we could find someone else to host the Spoiler FAQ.
    If Andy can't be contacted, we'd have to find somewhere to host the Spoiler FAQ, and perhaps TB/JT could host the AdomFAQ themselves. Then there'd be a lot of outdated links around the net, but those who knew could update theirs, and the document would at least still be available online in an up to date version.

    (I hope somebody wants to take up the mantle of AdomFAQ maintainer because otherwise I might have to suck it up and offer myself for the job, and god knows I have a lot of changes coming up in my life soon that'll keep me busy, and of course, I do still like to play the game when I have some time )

    Edit: I have taken up AdomFAQ maintaining duties and Andy Williams will continue to host the new versions. The ADOM Spoiler FAQ still needs a maintainer.

    Edit: I have cleaned up the formatting on the plain text Adom Spoiler FAQ and put it up here.

    Edit: The new AdomFAQ is now live and it has its own thread for discussion.
    Last edited by aerol; 03-10-2013 at 02:41 PM.
    Playing since gamma 10, when necklaces looked like &s. Lithium man. Brass + Lithium. OCG. Illiterate barb. One race and one class to go.

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