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Thread: Tackling the new quests & maps for ADOM

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Cape town, South Africa


    >Well, its a world being invaded by ChAoS. I always found the basic fact that you should hurry or you'll get turned into a purple j pretty intuitive, to be honest. And the details about how much you should hurry needn't be known to an unspoiled player IMO.

    The thing is as you notice the character being corrupted you do realize you should hurry, but you do not realize that it increases with days passed. I was traversing the overland map at leisure not realizing what effect that would have on the future of any of my characters. Would it really be that bad if one of the NPCs, told you that you must not linger?
    Last edited by Stingray1; 01-03-2014 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Al-Khwarizmi View Post
    Wow, I love the contrast between the blog post discussion and the forum discussion. It looks like people are talking about two totally different games. In the blog post there are "normal" players suggesting that lots of things should be made easier, and here we have the hardcore players saying that the quests should be few in order not to make it too easy, and not give artifacts to not mess with precrowning (a technique which no new or unspoiler player will ever attempt). Curious.
    Yup, very different sets of feedback. The blog posts in particular make me think that there needs to be more in-game advise on how to approach the fire temple, or maybe an earlier fire quest to help people learn a few extra tactics beyond just scum for a ring of ice.

    I suppose a red dragon's nest would be good. Would have drakes, be reasonably hot (1 level fire resist needed), and there would be a single red dragon with some loot.
    Platinum Edition ADOMer - check out my roguelikes!

  3. #23
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    I think there is more than enough hints regarding the ToEF. IIRC I only visited that place twice before I had my first victory. Never died in there either.

    Edit - One of the blog posters reminded me that I never knew the puppy died after a certain number of days. Or what moss of mareilon or morgia roots do.
    Last edited by Stingray1; 01-03-2014 at 11:42 AM.

  4. #24
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    There are hints about it, but I think players get too obsessed over needing a ring of ice and fireproof blanket. Probably the Guidebook's fault.
    Platinum Edition ADOMer - check out my roguelikes!

  5. #25
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    A lot of things are probably. Maybe, the first in game hint should be to not read it.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I'm always obsessed with items that protect equipment, both carried and worn, and rightly so.
    Item destruction is extremely annoying so any means of its prevention are desirable and should be sought out before going into area where item destruction is typically encountered.
    I don't remember the last time I did the tower without at least two blessed fireproof blankets and one blessed ring of ice (most commonly two).
    If I don't have those items, I don't go to the tower, no matter how long it takes to finally find them.
    This has nothing to do with the guidebook, it's just common sense.
    I'm unwilling to part with seven league boots/longbow of accuracy/helm of mental stability/gogs or certain scrolls, rings and wands that have a life-saving potential.
    Those items provide very desirable advantages in a very dangerous area, it stands to mind one should do everything in their power to protect them while at the same time benefiting from their use.
    "Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Grey View Post
    There are hints about it, but I think players get too obsessed over needing a ring of ice and fireproof blanket. Probably the Guidebook's fault.
    There already is a guaranteed ring of ice from Dwarven Mystic.
    Hoping to win with every class, doomed. Archer, Barbarian, Bard, Beastfighter, Druid, Elementalist, Farmer, Fighter, Monk, and ULE Priest down.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Esslingen, Germany


    At least when it comes to fireproof blankets, Thundarr's quest that sometimes gives the player some should just give them always. As long as there's a fireproof blanket, rings of ice are usually optional.

    My problem when thinking about new pre-determined quests that have specific important items as a reward is that they feel like yet another entry on a laundry list. The most exciting part of the Tomb of the High Kings for me is the three mid-range danger level dungeon levels leading up to the final level.

    I mean, think about it. There are at least three early game dungeons that cover early danger levels; the VD/DD, the PC and the early CoC - then suddenly the CoC becomes the only available location for the 1-30 range, with only very limited exceptions. Random levels are the most replayable of them all, and the most potentially exciting. Vaults, shops, surges of power, all that stuff. The pyramid or the Dwarven graveyard - not that exciting. Many traps are always in the same places. The pyramid still offers some excitement no matter how often you've been there because of the random assortments of monsters on the top level. The Rift dungeon would be exciting if it weren't so punishing to enter for its own sake.

    So, if you ask me, the new quests and maps shouldn't just involve those pre-determined maps and quests - they should involve another full-fledged mid-range dungeon, with a danger level starting at 15 or so and leading up to a ToEF-equivalent 25 or even 30. Something like six or seven levels, much like the VD or DD, and with a bitchin' boss battle at the end. No bells and whistles, just a full-fledged random dungeon, maybe even an increased vault rate like the UD (God I love the UD so much). Everything that's randomized is replayable, and replayability is the main thing roguelikes have to offer that many other RPGs don't. Every boss battle worth its salt results in a loot pile, and it wouldn't hurt too much to put a ring of ice and a couple of stat potions in there (because the TRUE obstacle to ToEF-readiness is a sub-par HP score, all things told).

    How about the secret laboratory of a mad alchemist wizard? Who uses fireballs (alchemy-fueled) and has vortices and elementals and other constructs do his bidding, and drops a crown of fire, explaining his immunity to the explosive potions? Maybe the PC meets an escaped victim somewhere in Terinyo, who reveals the location of the dungeon after the player has successfully opened the portal. I'm honestly fine with just about any excuse as long as we get more full-fledged random dungeons in appropriate leveling areas for the ToEF.
    ADOM Guides - whatever you wanted to know about playing a certain class, but have been afraid to ask!

    Check out my youtube channel to see my ADOM videos, including a completed playthrough of the game. I try to give instructions, so if you want to see some place you haven't been before and get some hints on how to deal with it, this might help! There's also some other games featured there that you might find interesting.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    +1 to having random stuff (and also, to loving the UD)

    I think dungeons in the style of the TotHK or Rift dungeons (i.e., a bunch of random levels with possibility of vaults, shops, etc.; plus a bottom level with a more or less fixed pre-made layout, and with boss fight) work very nicely.

    I agree that I wouldn't like to see more 100% fixed dungeons like the Griffyard. Or at least the majority of them shouldn't be like that.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Cape town, South Africa


    Can we maybe get a story to the prison in HMV, from what I could figure out it has something to do with the High King having it built. Why is the guard and the prisoners there.

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