I find myself doing something lately that I've never seen posted around here. I usually have a very cautious approach to my characters, at least when it comes to leveling. So I use music. And a werefoo, and get a lot of loot in a short amount of real time. Scummy? Possibly. But I've died more than once to an werewolf made strong by killing it's own kind. So it does have dangers of it's own, I tend to roll female Drake Wizzys.

Also I tend to spent vast amounts of time in the ID with low level characters this way, it's not unheard of for me to descend to ID50 and only realize it when I have a Ki-rin breathing down my invisible back, Or an Ancient Blue Dragon.

Anyways, on to my question. What types of playstyles do you use? Or tactics that you think are different from how most people play?