Before I go file an RFE (which for me has been like > /dev/null) is there any plan to add an option to basically pick consistent attributes every game? (I put this in the Steam forum because I own the steam copy and you can do something like this with Sage).

The attribute screen could be changed to something like the following:

Shall your attributes be [u]nmodified (standard), [r]andomly modified or modified by answering [q]uestions?
I really would like to have ADOM be more competitive but its pretty hard when there can be such a massive difference between starting characters of the same race and class leading to roll scumming.

The other option to not change the starting screen but score the game differently for weaker starting attributes but I see this leading to scumming for bad attributes to get scoring boost.

BTW I find it hilarious that if you go press "!" to customize the game to choose "Hunger off" it says "The game score will be rated at 25%" yet getting decent attributes at the start is far far far far more of an influence of the game difficulty. That 25% looks like it was pulled out of some ones...