There are a few things that aren't included in the achievements but I believe should be (and a few things that are that I believe shouldn't be but that's not this thread). Even if they are hidden and aren't part of the Adom-master 100 percent completion I think these would be valuable additions.

1. Beat the game with every race
2. Beat the game with every class
3. Get pre-crowned in the small cave (without gaining xp elsewhere)
4. Get crowned in the small cave (same req.)
5. Get the platinum girdle
6. Rob the underwater cave and live
7. Kill blups mom (or even harder get the water breathing intrinsic w/o being an elementalist)
8. Talk to blups mom without the water breathing intrinsic and leave and live to tell about it.
9. Rob the underwater cave at level 1 and live to tell about it.
10. Speed-run based on time not number of moves. Maybe 5 hours (this is 1 hour less than my best time I think).

Ok. Maybe not the 9th one since it probably comes down to rolling a wizard with just the right gear but I think the others are legit. At least as much as level 50 in the small cave that's in there now.

I've done all but 2, 7 and 9 so I know they are feasible and enjoyable challenges.

I'm surprised #5 isn't already one.

Any others you think are missing? Comments on these?