Does anyone think that the late game (R60) is a little... too challenging? I'm not sure - I get it, ADOM is an incredibly difficult game to balance. Between the learners and the experts there is just a vast gulf. I'd put myself in the middle having beaten the game with all the races and all but one classes. I find it very hard to believe that anyone new to the game could actually beat it without the experience I have - looking at the YAVP proves me wrong but dang. I've beaten R60 before but it seemed like every other floor past D30 had a monster that I practically *had* to teleport away from.

Example: A surge of power on D30 had a named werewolf king who accidentally bumped into my invisible character (with a pretty high PV at 50) for a mere 250 damage out of my 350 hp pool - which is fine, I guess. It was a late-game artifact guardian after all. A few floors down I ran into two Dorn Beasts and a Gorgon from a random crumbling mixed room. I knew to run. Another few floors down there was a quickling queen who I had to actually use my wand of teleportation (as opposed to relying on teleportis) since I didn't have charges on other offensive wands. It just seems between the special monsters and the ultra-powered brawlers on those deep floors, they are more deadly than the monsters in the Orb temples. And I don't think those should be harder - I think those have been balanced to a healthy place of difficult but not insane. When they were rare it was "boring" I guess but at the same time reasonable. [This is the TL;DR] Some runs would be super challenging when you ran into a few of these guys. Now these mega-monsters are just commonplace. Too commonplace?

This character is tough - I ran this character through the ToF the old fashioned way of dropping all my stuff and praying for pickaxe at the top since I had neither Rings of Ice nor Fireproof blankets. But he (and others I've run) cant stand up at all to any bruiser style monster to pops out of any given mixed room in the late game.

Maybe I'm just too used to older versions where the late game was much more forgiving and I could get away with the melee heavy play-style I favor. Perhaps the era of my lazy speedy-ish runs just don't fly anymore...