I'm sorry if this thread is completely redundant, but I can't seem to find any help elsewhere. If there is an online location or location within the game with this information, please feel free to delete this thread.
Is entering 'k' or 'Z' the only way to attack creatures? Do spears and such alter how much damage is done when one presses 'k'?
How do I buy and sell things? I attempted purchasing an item from the shop buy picking it up with the ',' key which worked but when I gave the shopkeeper money with the 'g' key it didn't seem to register that I'd bought anything. I died of starvation in the shop.
I've absolutely no idea how to sell things.
Are there any other important keys I should be aware of? So far I've been able to kick, use spells, talk, drop and pick up items and read books.
I'm completely new at this style of game (I'm even unsure what the genre is called) but I really like the freedom and I want to be able to progress in my games.