View Full Version : Yet Another Sad Death

03-19-2010, 04:28 AM
All my bards which have gone through SMC to UD die of poison.:(

03-19-2010, 04:46 AM
This one's stupid : having the habit of pressing a, s to use ventriloquism to get a child as first kill. Accidently tried to rob someone and got an angry shopkeeper because i had tried to thieve a child. Laughed my bum off.

03-19-2010, 06:33 AM
Why don't you :swap places with the child and lure it out of the village, then kill it. Thats what I always do.

Disclaimer: this post refers only to activities carried out in an ASCII based computer game, and should not be taken as advice for the real world, obviously, you weird sick people.

03-19-2010, 10:32 AM
Why don't you :swap places with the child and lure it out of the village, then kill it. Thats what I always do.

Disclaimer: this post refers only to activities carried out in an ASCII based computer game, and should not be taken as advice for the real world, obviously, you weird sick people.

Because it's easier to ventriloquise him.
You never tried luring a child out of a shop? to give him the sweets he craves for? you nasty guy.
Disclaimer : i only did that once, in a place i was sure never to return to, just to see the look of the mother. Which went from "he's a pedophile" to "What a nice boy".