View Full Version : adom linux question

12-04-2010, 08:18 AM
Hi- I have a newbie linux question. When I run adom (I have Ubuntu 10.smth) the marker (you know the rectangle) stays there blinking on top of my PC. It's terribly annoying. Is there some setting I can give to get rid of it. Also wasn't there a character roller script (I sometimes play speed runs, with little success...) floating around somewhere?

12-04-2010, 10:04 AM
the marker (you know the rectangle) stays there blinking on top of my PC.


hit ctrl-f to open your browser's 'find' feature, and search for:

"But you have to tweak your terminal a bit. Navigate to 'edit' then 'profile preferences'
then resize your terminal DEFAULT settings to 80x25. (don't forget to drag-resize your
terminal to 80x25 for this session as well). Uncheck 'use system fixed font width'.
You will almost definitely have to tweak your 'colors' here eventually as well."

Change 'block' to, um, i think, 'underline' or maybe 'underscore'.

> Also wasn't there a character roller script

Here is it, but it is fer windows. If it fries your PC, you can't sue me:

; this script is written to be run as a 'clip' through the
; program 'notetab light' in windows operating system
; the script assumes you have already edited your adom.cfg
; file to automatically set your sex, race, class, to
; male gray elven wizard. if you wanna to use a different
; race, you will need to edit the talent selection portion
; of this code. In any case, you will want to edit the
; 'NEW PATH VARIABLES' to your appropriate directories,
; that is, unless you are already running ADOM off a ramdrive
; labelled G:\ :D

^!Set %Item%=spellbook of Teleportation
^!Set %Loops%=50
^!Set %Index%=0
^!Set %Le%=Le
^!Set %LeStat%=20
^!Set %CharNumber%=0

^!Set %AdomPath%="G:\adom_win"
^!Set %AdomDatPath%="G:\adom_win\adom_dat"
^!Set %SavedgPath%="G:\adom_win\adom_dat\savedg"

^!IfFileExist "^%AdomDatPath%\adom.prc" DeletePrc ELSE Procede

^!DeleteFile "^%AdomDatPath%\adom.prc"

^!IfFileExist ^%SavedgPath%\speed.svg SaveExists ELSE StartRoller

^!Continue speed.svg file already exists. To delete it and run roller chose 'continue', else cancel to exit.
^!Delay 1
^!DestroyDoc "^%AdomPath%\speed.slg"
^!DeleteFile "^%SavedgPath%\speed.svg"
^!DeleteFile "^%AdomPath%\speed.slg"


^!Inc %Index%
^!If ^%Index% > ^%Loops% EndLoop

^!ChDir "^%AdomPath%"
^!Shell "^%AdomPath%\Adom_winbeta4.exe"
^!Delay 2

^!FocusApp "ADOM 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4"
^!KeyboardDelay 015
^!Keyboard # g #
^!Keyboard # s #
^!Keyboard # +l+h+r+r+r #
^!Keyboard # ( #
^!Delay 1

^!Open "^%AdomPath%\speed.slg"
^!Jump 5
^!MoveCursor 19
^!Select +2
^!Set %StatCheck%=^$GetSelection$
^!If ^%StatCheck% > ^%LeStat% StatsFound ELSE BadChar

^!Find "^%Item%" CIWS
^!Set %ItemExists%=^$GetSelection$
^!If ^%ItemExists% <> "^%Item%" BadChar ELSE ItemFound

^!DestroyDoc "^%AdomPath%\speed.slg"
^!FocusApp "ADOM 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4"
^!KeyboardDelay 020
^!Keyboard F7
^!Keyboard # :t:t:t:t #
^!Keyboard #>ioafbiaha #
^!Keyboard # re #
^!Keyboard #rd #
^!Keyboard #rc #
;^!Keyboard &010 # Sy #
;^!Keyboard &010
;^!Inc %CharNumber%
;^!RenameFile "^%SavedgPath%\speed.svg" "^%SavedgPath%\speed^%CharNumber%.svg"
;^!If ^%CharNumber% > 8 EndLoop
;^!GoTo LoopStart
^!GoTo EndLoop

^!DestroyDoc "^%AdomPath%\speed.slg"
^!FocusApp "ADOM 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4 1.1.1 (C) 1994-2002 by Thomas Biskup - Windows Beta 4"
^!KeyboardDelay 020
^!Keyboard # Qy nnn #
^!GoTo LoopStart


You may wanna to use semicolons to rem out the lines

^!Keyboard #>ioafbiaha #
^!Keyboard # re #
^!Keyboard #rd #
^!Keyboard #rc #

if you don't want the script to read your books and stuff.

12-05-2010, 07:10 PM
Thanks a million gut!