View Full Version : Quickling king beat down

05-14-2009, 02:34 AM
My girl friend was playing a grey elven priest and was doing relly well. She had got further down into the CoC than she had ever before. On UL:4 the level with AKW there was a tension room full of quickling kings.

Her solution to deal with them was to teleport into the middle of them all and ball spell them all to death. Well that was the plan. This plan resulted in her having to scroll through pages of messages as her health went down 2 hp at a time untill she ultimately died. I think nearly every quickling in the room got at least one hit on her.

I'm posting this here at her request as she thinks she was in a league of her own with this death in terms of stupiditity.

05-14-2009, 07:27 AM
Wow, is she some sort of die hard (he he) quickling republican? Commiserations, but I hope both of you learnt to respect the quickling monarchy in future.

05-14-2009, 08:33 PM
I did something very similar once. Tension room full of quickling queens, I figured I'd teleport in, ball spell them all, no big deal.

I bookcasted teleport :eek:. One of the few level 50 characters I've ever lost.

02-06-2010, 05:28 PM
JUST SAW THAT AND LOLED. Sorry to be a necromancer.