View Full Version : What are the controls?

04-14-2012, 12:50 AM
Forgive me if this is posted somewhere else, but I just found that JADE/ADOM II is out today so I don't know much about this. I've played ADOM for years, so I know most of the basics, but I can't find any sort of manual(all the in-game help has yet to be written) and the controls seem different from ADOM. For example, I tried to [t]arget a creature, and I ran into a wall instead. Is there a list of all the keybindings somewhere? It would help a lot.

Actually, it would be awesome if there was a "What's changed between ADOM and ADOM II" sort of guide. Is there one? If not, could somebody fill me in on the major differences?

Thanks much!

04-14-2012, 02:08 AM
I think there is a control list ingame. Maybe ?

Some of the features (missiles) are not implemented yet

04-14-2012, 05:43 AM
Ah yeah, that worked. Thanks.