View Full Version : Crashed during save

05-25-2012, 02:56 PM
Does anybody know if there's a way to fix a save file for a character who crashed while saving?

I've of course deleted the trusty adom.prc file so i'm able to at least open the game, and my character's save file is present in the list of character restores, however, I immediately crash while attempting to load the character.

I do have a backup, however this crash happened after restoring this character from a previous crash, and I'm not really looking forward to doing the gremlin cave, griffyard, animated forest, arena, ogre cave, and pyramid for a third time.
I suppose the lesson I should be learning is to backup more often, however I didn't really experience anything notably exceptional on my first or second runthrough of the above areas (infact on my second iteration, the blasted dwarven mystic didn't give me the SoCR [why else do I even bother with him?]).

Luckily my backup is placed immediately after the point where I found Preserver from a surge of power in the DDL. My backup also includes the ring of Djinni summoning in Waldenbrook's shop, so I haven't lost my ability to save Khelavaster. As mentioned, it is just a pain in the ass to have to clear all the above listed areas for the third time.

05-25-2012, 03:12 PM
My guess is probably not. Your save file is probably corrupted somehow. Crash recoveries in ADOM are few and far between. Be glad you have a decent backup.

05-25-2012, 03:14 PM
If you crash while attempting to load the character, I think there's little you can do.

Characters also crash on loading if the resolution of the ADOM window doesn't match the save (for instance, an 80x40 game will only load in 80x40-executed ADOM), which can be fixed by switching to the proper resolution, but you said it crashed while saving and didn't mention any resolution changes.

Some crashes only occur after the reloaded character takes one step; in that particular case, you can leave the level eventually reload after reload and the game will stop crashing.

05-25-2012, 03:22 PM
thanks for the quick replies.

As I said, no great loss. Maybe on the third time through the damn dwarven mystic will gimme the Scrolls of Chaos Resistance (I got them on my first iteration)

Thanks again

05-25-2012, 05:04 PM
I do have a backup, however this crash happened after restoring this character from a previous crash, and I'm not really looking forward to doing the gremlin cave, griffyard, animated forest, arena, ogre cave, and pyramid for a third time.
I suppose the lesson I should be learning is to backup more often

It shouldn't be like that, but sadly it is. I try to make backups every X turns and after completing quests/finishing temples/etc., so that I don't lose much in the event of a crash. Saving Kelly and dropping large stacks of items are also prone to cause this.

If you play on the server or install its modified Sage version locally, you'll have automatic backups and the possibility of creating one in-game, without quitting.

NetHack has a way to recreate a savegame using the temporary files in the event of a crash. I wish there was a similar "official" feature in ADOM.

(infact on my second iteration, the blasted dwarven mystic didn't give me the SoCR [why else do I even bother with him?]).

Just bad luck, I guess. The choice between 4 SoCR and 8 insights vs. 1 PoGA and 2 trainings is supposed to be a 50/50 chance, but curiously I seem to get the scrolls 80% of the time.