View Full Version : this game is stressing me out lol

02-09-2014, 10:24 PM
Omg, going through DD with a high elf wizard. puck up a girdle put it on and wow it's a girdle of carrying!' Wait...wtf. IT'S CURSED, NOOOO. I can't move so i eat all my food. i can only cary 600s at this point. but oh thank you RNG gods i find a spell book of strength of atlas. Then i find a scroll of uncurse. my pc went from most likely doomed to being on top. i can now carry 19,950s. Sometimes i think this game deliberately messes with your head.

02-10-2014, 02:19 PM
You'll probably die from being crushed by the absurd amounts of junk you start carrying because of Strength of Atlas (unless you heed this warning and keep junk in your inventory to a minimum until you get more strength). Or you could just keep casting Strength of Atlas, because it's duration stacks. I like to bookcast it repeatedly when I am wandering through the dungeon with no monsters to fight, or before I go to the wilderness.

There is also the issue of not training strength when you use Strength of Atlas too much, so watch out for that, or your strength will always be low. You can get it to 18 if you stay strained! for long enough.

02-10-2014, 04:37 PM
He's best off running around with SoA until he can get a hold of double digits of stomafillia, which make food consumption a secondary non-issue kind of deal.
Besides, he's a wizard. He doesn't need strength that much unless he has found some amazing weapon with equally great damage dice and is rolling with 20+ PV.