View Full Version : small things that matter much

06-15-2014, 11:05 AM
this is the story of a duelist who died to a 1000 paper cuts....
it all started in the big room, as it often does. said duelist was strength training and was strained! so he decided to leave all his items on the room above and descend to the big room to find the down stairs. on the way he encountered an unstable herb patch which could be stabalized. so started doing that when......a green hag came and tried cursing his items but he didnt have ne so she cursed him!!@!@!!
lvl 10 deulist with curse...its like friday 13th all over again.\
got thundy quest to kill a troll which i found relatively easily
decided that doing dwarftown or animated forest with cursed lvl 12 character with inactive class powers is suicidal so decided to go back to early game quest and do that instead when i equiped an amulet of greed and got a lust for gold on d2 so decided to do that and for that i needed pick axe so decided to scum for lvl 13...successs now im lvl 13 and go to the pyramid and there things start going HORRIBLY wrong.
did i mention i have a trapped armour with 0-0 rating so decide to find an acid trap...find it and it destroys my armour but in the process i get aged to 60 years(thnakfully i had 2 tealens at lvl 1 i took alert and long lived), neways that wrecks my strength and toughness and i also loose peity to a prayer for healing!! also i get stat drained on almost every hit cause of my curse...i decide that rehetep cant be killed like this!
so go to do the early quests ...find a wight corpse for +1 toughness. now comes the next installment of pain...i kill the druid to 2 shots and decide my learning is 18..lets get it to 20 and eat it and first corruption.....unholy aura. decide to take a chance with the blackmarket cause i have put the items VERy close to the entry point but alas no moss.. the corruption effect triggers and i get surrounded by thugs....AND GET DOOMED
fortunately i have a 7lb and use that for my escape
now i go back to HMV nd get the ?ocr bless it read it and go to do the puppy quest where....i get another lust for gold...also i have 7lb and wot so decide to loot it for getting $ for my gett very close to my deity..things are working well..im faster than him..i lead him to a desolate part of the room and am about to tp away when my brain......stops fuctioning and i attack a monster....he is 2 tiles away but manages to come next to me and hit me 3 times and kill me :(
RIP you target for faraway laughter!!

06-15-2014, 02:07 PM
who is the him in the HMV part?
Nice read otherwise, I kinda like your spelling ;)

Btw why the gold rush? Later in the game gold is quite abundant and not extremely useful.

06-15-2014, 03:56 PM
him? there is no him in hmv..i went there to get ?ocr
also i wanted to get very close to piety to remove curse and doom..so wanted gold.
didnt fully take into account the new changes to royal guardians!!
also i cant just spam a direction key to walk there...y is that so?
neways off to the races again for me!!

06-15-2014, 10:39 PM
things are working well..im faster than him..i lead him to a desolate part of the room and am about to tp away when my brain......stops fuctioning

that him. The royal guardian, I suppose now.

06-16-2014, 06:07 PM
*Sees thread title*

No thanks, already had this conversation with my wife.