View Full Version : The hairs on your back rise for a moment...

11-11-2014, 09:12 AM
Just got this message. Any idea what it means?

11-11-2014, 10:17 AM
i am not entirely sure but...i think it means that you have entered a location with a high danger lvl...so if you are of a low exp, leave...run...scramble...git!

11-11-2014, 10:21 AM
I wonder if this message also comes up on drakeling pcs ;)

11-11-2014, 12:56 PM
I think it should be connected to some statue.

I wonder if this message also comes up on drakeling pcs ;)

The string is formed as "The %s on your back rise for a moment..."
No idea what can be there, but "scales" might be a fair guess.

After all, TheDevTeamThinksOfEverything (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDevTeamThinksOfEverything)
Enjoy your wasted time, huehuehue!

11-12-2014, 11:03 PM
I wonder if this message also comes up on drakeling pcs ;)

Would also be nice for hurthlings: "The hairs on your feet rise for a moment..."

11-16-2014, 06:10 AM
The message appears to change based on your level compared to to the DL, I got a message about sensing your doom or some such when entering a couple of the new bonus dungeon areas

03-21-2015, 06:42 PM
I just got this message too and it wasn't when i entered a new level. Any idea what does it mean?

The only strange thing i noticed after the message is that i could kick the statue on this level once again, after i kicked it once already.

After the first kick i tried to kick it a second time and i was just kicking at thin air, but some turns after this message, when i got the statue again, i kicked it and it worked (too bad this was a statue that doesn't give anything) and after that i tried to kick it once more and i failed again, several times.

So my guess is that this message means that the statue is refreshed and you can interact with it once again.