View Full Version : Waldenbrook gets mad for no reason

11-28-2014, 10:53 PM
Okay, so I was in dwarftown, about to buy something, when suddenly Waldenbrook said, "Stop, thief!" (Or something along those lines) and started attacking me. I did absolutely nothing to provoke him, and being unprepared and lvl 14, he slaughtered me. Is this a bug? I swear, I looked through the history and I did absolutely NOTHING to provoke him, nothing at all. Indeed, I spent 10 minutes scouring the message log, looking for a cause, but there was none. If someone could enlighten me, thanks.

11-29-2014, 01:25 AM
Unholy aura corruption?

11-29-2014, 08:27 AM
No, I still can't find any visible source of aggravation.

11-29-2014, 09:09 AM
i think Waldenbrook has a monopoly in dwarftown and hence he feels he can do as he pleases...also there have been reported instances of racist behavior on his part as far as some races are concerned. also, i have heard that he has contacts with the underground mafioso which he uses if he feels threatened. so i propose we file a class action lawsuit on his ass. Or if litigation is not for the adom community, then a protest march outside his market is in order. Obviously i am not for violence but if he provokes us peaceful protestors then we might need to defend ourselves against him....

12-04-2014, 05:57 PM
Something that irritated/amused me recently:

In the midst of the Kill the Greater Demon quest, my wizard was duking it out with said beast, when an alarm sounded(!) and muscular dwarfs rushed out to help.

Wow that's cool I thought, the dwarves never used to respond much to this demon slaughtering everyone. This is a neat touch.

But of course it was actually just Waldenbrook being angry at me. I assume I must have clipped a Dwarf civilian with one of my lightning bolts whilst fighting the demon.

Never mind that the Demon had slaughtered 5 civilians by that point. The *real* enemy was the only guy making any headway in fighting the threat *facepalm*

12-05-2014, 01:57 PM
Do you have autoswap on? Swapping with friendlies has a 'feature' [urgh] that may turn them aggressive, then you get no prompt about attacking them - enough swapping with a dwarven child, and you gonna slap him in the face and kill it even before you notice, only for Waldenbrok to take offence to it.

I think it really needs to be patched out.