View Full Version : Strength of Atlas

02-12-2015, 03:47 AM
Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you had ever died by being crushed by your equipment when Strength of Atlas runs out? I know that it gives you 5 or so "your strength is waning" messages, but I also know that many of us can mash buttons and not really pay attention to the messages up top. I've never had this happen, because I tend to keep at least two books to read-cast it constantly. Also, I've heard that if you cast it too much, that it can actually overflow and you can get crushed that way! Can any of you confirm or dispel this thought? Any funny stories to tell?

02-12-2015, 04:50 PM
This happened to me at least twice. I was paralyzed in the second instance, so all I could do is watch the prompts one by one until my crushing death - and I had just pickpocketed Preserver :(

Also, I've heard that if you cast it too much, that it can actually overflow and you can get crushed that way! Can any of you confirm or dispel this thought?

It can in principle, but the number of turns SoA's effect will last for is a signed 32-bit integer, so you'd need to cast it many times for an overflow to take place.

02-12-2015, 07:25 PM
This happened to me at least twice. I was paralyzed in the second instance, so all I could do is watch the prompts one by one until my crushing death - and I had just pickpocketed Preserver :(

It can in principle, but the number of turns SoA's effect will last for is a signed 32-bit integer, so you'd need to cast it many times for an overflow to take place.

Any idea how much one have to carry above the very strained upper limit to get crushed?

02-12-2015, 09:06 PM
"Display burden levels" command. It'll display all the weight limits for unburdened, burdened, strained, strained! and overburdened. Anything above overburdened is crushed.

02-12-2015, 10:56 PM
Strength of Atlas is the devil. I may cast it early to mid game if I need to run stuff to the next shop, and late game I might cast it as a speed buff (if I'm Burdened or Strained at the time, which does happen). I don't know how anyone ends up with enough stuff in the pack to get Crushed in the first place. You can't fill up that much space if you don't carry around craptons of junk. Why not just drop the junk instead?

02-13-2015, 09:42 AM
You underestimate the perils of very low Strength characters. Hurtlings can easily start with a Strength potential below 10! Armor, a couple spellbooks to bookcast from, a couple of large rations, Tower Shield - and you are already Strained!, if not worse. And you want to have a spare of everything as protection against item destruction...

02-13-2015, 10:51 AM
I never had problems with Strength of Atlas running out, because you can cast it for so many turns in advance with very little PP. My current character, a ratling weaponsmith, was lucky enough to find the spell and depleted his maybe 300 PP (at the time) two or three times casting SoA with the "repeat last action" command. Since then, he spent ingame weeks transforming himself into a walking pile of eternium, lugging around entire threat rooms full of chaos warrior plate mails without hearing from the game ever again about the spell duration.


02-14-2015, 06:26 PM
I had this happen to me many times but I'm a loot junkie.
I pick up everything. That small shield (50s)? Let's pick it up, it might be interesting.
Ugly clothes? Sure thing, no matter I'm wearing eternium already.
I actually carry so much I'm strained even WITH SoA most of the time.

02-14-2015, 07:16 PM
That small shield (50s)? Let's pick it up, it might be interesting.
Ugly clothes? Sure thing, no matter I'm wearing eternium already.

If that RFE to add affixes to most/all types of armor is implemented, this is only going to get worse! :D

02-15-2015, 07:10 AM
my very 1st character which successfully killed the acw, also, on his first attempt did the air, earth and mana temple, did d50, came back to the surface and was gonna be my 1st yawp, but he forgot to cast the SoA and was crushed to death!! i didnt e1 k now that being crushed to death was a thing back then! neways....we play, we die, we learn, we die better next time :)

02-16-2015, 10:19 AM
I've never had SOA run out (after I learned that you could cast it and it would stack) but I have tried to abuse rings of weakness in 1.1.1. I didn't even know you could get crushed until it happened. A really really strong Drake barb ate it.

03-11-2015, 07:32 PM
I've died to it alright, but it's been a core part of my gameplan in recent games. It is very nice for mass-iding lots of armours and weapons that might have prefix/suffix, that otherwise would go undetected. In fact some ego armours/weapons surpass artifacts and who knows what you might be missing out on, since the character dump doesn't tell you unlike with artifacts?

The deadliest thing toward atlas users are webs, since you can't drop your gear or re-cast it while stuck. Evil. :)