View Full Version : Coding Quests

03-28-2008, 04:08 PM
Questions for Thomas and the community:

Are you running into any problems coding quests Herr Biskup...
Thinking of the random nature of Jade I was just thinking about how difficult the random creation of quests would be, and am curious as to if creation is coming along good, or if you are running into any road blocks..

Things that I would think might be tricky (If you are planning to include) would be:

--> Would a quest giver have a general idea of where quest location would be?
i.e.; Goblins have taken over a cave roughly 3 days journey to the east?

--> How are you going to keep a log of quest/reward givers?
i.e.; %n wants you to bring this note to %s. You will be paid %treasure on your return.

--> are all quests going to be generated upon start/world creation? or will they be dynamically created %chance upon entering a set area/dungeon.

Thomas if possible would appreciate code/pseudo-code snippets to see some of your thoughts on how to accomplish this...

Don't worry folks, I still haven't beaten ADOM yet either.....