View Full Version : Random dungeons generation

05-26-2015, 09:09 PM
Hallo to everyone.
I'm an old time player (cheater as well, though I had few legitimate wins), but still can't get myself to try the new version. So I decided to break my fingers and play 1.1.1 - for scumming.... Created two characters:
Candle-born High Elven Archer, crowning gift Sun's Messenger.
Dragon-born Drakeling Monk, crowning gift Iron Crown of Havlor.
Both characters created on December 31, both have "brother showed up" message.
First thing I go to PC1 to generate a pool. Start drinking, Shift+Q, and I see the layout... What are the chances of that!!))
Take a break for a minute from 1.2. and have a good laugh))
Yep... The levels are IDENTICAL, with same monsters.

05-27-2015, 09:36 AM
There goes your "random" number generator.
A known fallibility of software RNGs.
Funny thing the same RNG seed doesn't seem to extend to types of potions - one is golden, one is violet.