View Full Version : Really terrible bonus to hits?

10-01-2015, 05:37 AM
I recently noticed my character has what looks like awful to hit bonuses, -50 on normal. I save scum, so I was wondering if this was some negative side effect of that. I loaded the same file a few different times and noticed the hit bonus varied wildly for a little bit, and then when back to -50. Most of the time I would start off even worse, around -80, but once it loaded me as +25. Are there any explanations for this? I provided some pics for context.

Norma l- http://i.imgur.com/Lb5lG6w.png
After loading - http://i.imgur.com/QPu8qyV.png
What I should be getting(?)- http://i.imgur.com/BxoHMsY.png

10-01-2015, 06:08 AM
Are there any explanations for this? I provided some pics for context.

How about posting character's equipment? My current impression is that you are dual wielding Big Punch and maybe a crystal dagger?

Penalty to the to hit is based on weight of weapon so Big Punch +anything is a poor idea.

As fluctuations goes... Maybe being surrounded is the issue? The courage skill behaves very randomly.

10-01-2015, 06:25 AM
I would guess it's a morning star or a heavy mace in off-hand.
But yeah, try to see if fluctuations persist with only one weapon.

10-01-2015, 06:48 AM
Yup, looks like it was Big Punch. I replaced it with the crystal dagger I'd been using and I'm back up to ~+50, sometimes it goes up to 80. Not sure why, but this I won't complain! Thanks for the help!

10-01-2015, 07:12 AM
If you look up dual wielding in the manual, I think it explains the formula. It depends very strongly on weight--Big Punch is quite literally the worst possible weapon for dual wielding, except for maybe some rare weapons with the ultra-heavy prefix on them.

10-01-2015, 11:03 AM
Yup, looks like it was Big Punch. I replaced it with the crystal dagger I'd been using and I'm back up to ~+50, sometimes it goes up to 80. Not sure why, but this I won't complain! Thanks for the help!

I advice that you avoid dual wielding like the plague.
I used it like you do until I understood the mechanics of energy and turns (thank you silfir, hocus pocus taught me a lot).

A short explanation without too many details:
One round = 100 energy
One attack with single weapon cost 100 energy, with reductions for weaponskill (and some other minor modifiers).
Dual wielding cost is 200 (100 for each weapon) energy AND an extra cost for whatever reason because of dualwielding and extra penalties to hit if weapons are heavy.

This effectivly means :
One round delivers one attack with a single weapon and opponent returns one attack on you.
2-4 round (possibly even more in worst case) delivers 2 attacks dual wielding with lower chance to hit and opponent returns 2-4 attacks on you with no chance to react between their attacks.

Since dual wielding delivers both attacks at once and opponent returns several attacks at once you don't get actions inbetween to heal, run away or switch to coward mode.
You lose a huge chunk of defensive capabilities not using a shield, this is such a big deal most ppl would use 1h even if dual wield got a big buff.

10-01-2015, 11:32 AM
To be fair you are exaggerating quite a bit.
Basic attack at zero proficiency takes 1000 energy.
Two weapon attack takes 800 + greater energy cost of two weapons. No more than 1800.
Two weapon fighting skill at 100, takes away 400, so it becomes 400 + weapon cost. No more than 1400 then.
So at worst you get hit with two attacks.

The real problem with TWF is a difference in quality between weapons. Once you find weapon that is noticably better than what you have, hitting with good weapon + average weapon becomes worse than hitting only with good weapon. So if you find something like an Executor, then unless you have another supreme 1h weapon, you'd better give up TWF.

10-01-2015, 12:16 PM
Ok fair enough but at 1400 energy monsters will often attack twice in a row.
However several nasty monsters have more than one attack and vs these its even worse.
In addition you can spend skill increases on something useful.

10-01-2015, 12:37 PM
Ok fair enough but at 1400 energy monsters will often attack twice in a row.
However several nasty monsters have more than one attack and vs these its even worse.
In addition you can spend skill increases on something useful.

At some point there is nothing useful left ;-)