View Full Version : Duelist - choice of weapon

02-11-2016, 11:12 AM

I have a decently advanced duelist (lvl 30, have done the fire and water temple). I have been crowned with Executor, but I recently got the Trusted one, and an Orcish Axe of Penetration (who is heavy enough for the various heavy weapon talent : 120s).

I wonder which would be best to use. Executor make the Find Weakness skill less than useful, and seriously the fact it curse is pretty bad in my book. The Orcish axe of Penetration make the penetration passive of duelist less than useful, and it can be destroyed. Trusted One mean it's very hard to kill me, but it's low damage. I am using the Trusted One currently, but it's because I am emptying easy CoC level.

Also, can the lvl 40 power put you over 15 ? Or do it "only" allow for several weapon grand mastery ?

02-11-2016, 11:38 AM
Curse isn't that bad. Executor is an awesome weapon. I would use it, you won't find better one. Trusted one is defensive, but damage potential is bad on that one. Orcish Axe probably isn't that bad, but yeah fact that it can get destroyed is a big minus.

02-11-2016, 11:57 AM
Duelists can get grand mastery in all 1 handed weapon skills, so if you were to raise your skills to 9, you'd have a total freedom of choice for weaponry.

Quite honestly, duelists would fight well with a stick. That said, switch weapons often as the situation changes. Need defense? Wield trusted one. Fighting demons or difficult humanoids? Wield executor. Otherwise just use that axe.

02-11-2016, 12:29 PM
Just use Executor. (it also frees a slot due to granting confusion resist).

Curse is barely noticeable if you have Lucky, Fate smile and Ankh on the neck.

Of penetration is 'meh' von duelist and what high PV monsters are not demons/humanoids? (living walls maybe). Trusted one is not really a weapon for melee fighter, unless you want to chop through mimic shop or something like that.

02-11-2016, 03:51 PM
Use Executor. You can win with a Duelist using Trusted One, but it'll be much easier with Executor.

02-11-2016, 04:29 PM
Use Executor or the RNG will kill a cute dog. It is known.

02-12-2016, 11:46 AM
Executor forever, to be cursed is not a big problem in my experience if you have at least intrinsic luck...