View Full Version : Nasty surprises for a returning player

09-13-2017, 12:32 AM
Hi everybody! Spoilers ahead.

So I hadn't played much at all since god knows when- wish I had a version number. Pre-Steam, for sure. I was really excited to see the game on Steam. Having played on and off for over a decade, I felt super proud to be a part of the community and really happy for the creator. But I digress.

I managed to get the client back to looking the way I like it, plus a few great little quality-of-life changes (health bars?!), but after starting a new character this morning and reaching level 17 before dying in the first Temple, I now know there were... other changes, which surprised me.

Was off to a great start, getting 7LB and an artifact sling before UD3! I absolutely needed both of them to survive against the Vile Spirit on UD4. That certainly took me off guard.

Found out the hard way that Darkforge raids aren't really a thing any more. I somehow managed to survive and escape the mess I got myself into there, and was very proud of myself. Finished the Pyramid and Graveyard, neutralized the big room and gave myself carpel tunnel farming herbs. Was really excited to go back to Dwarftown to get crowned, except... not. Apparently there's now a piety cap on herb offerings. Well, okay I guess.

Is there a "new" way to get crowned? I found that luring & [O]ffering every Ogre in Thrundarr's quest to the Dwarftown altar got me close-ish, despite some pretty brutal civilian casualties. Is there a better way to do it consistently?

Also wondering what other nasty surprises are in store for me. Just based on context from today, I'm assuming the Casino has been changed in some regard. Am I right? What other big things?

Thanks!! It's good to be back!

09-13-2017, 02:22 AM
Is there a "new" way to get crowned? I found that luring & [O]ffering every Ogre in Thrundarr's quest to the Dwarftown altar got me close-ish, despite some pretty brutal civilian casualties. Is there a better way to do it consistently?

Can still live-sac crown on a normal dungeon level. If that's too boring for you, waiting until you've saved up enough gold is another option.

Also wondering what other nasty surprises are in store for me. Just based on context from today, I'm assuming the Casino has been changed in some regard. Am I right? What other big things?

Thanks!! It's good to be back!

Gambling in the casino now corrupts you. roughly 1 corruption per 1 million gold won (more or less depending on alignment and appearance)

Check out http://ancardia.wikia.com/wiki/Changes_Since_1.1.1; should help you get up to speed.

09-13-2017, 08:21 AM
There are some new random dungeons, one of which is cavernous.
Getting an altar there allows you to benefit from the extra monster generation rate typical for cavernous levels.
Casino has not been changed other than the corruption during gambling.
There's a nice surprise waiting for you when you sell artifacts in regular stores.

09-13-2017, 08:33 AM
If you sell 100 sis to Waldenbrook, he will become an ancient merchant god of doom.

If you then leave the default options on, which now includes auto-swap with neutrals, you will piss off a random dwarf sooner or later because you're "pushing him around". Waldenbrook will then rush to his defense. His thrown coin will leave you at -100000 hitpoints.

09-13-2017, 02:33 PM
If you sell 100 sis to Waldenbrook, he will become an ancient merchant god of doom.

If you then leave the default options on, which now includes auto-swap with neutrals, you will piss off a random dwarf sooner or later because you're "pushing him around". Waldenbrook will then rush to his defense. His thrown coin will leave you at -100000 hitpoints.

Only if you hit the dwarf, an aggro dwarf poking at you will not have any bad sides.

09-13-2017, 02:43 PM
Hi everybody! Spoilers ahead.

So I hadn't played much at all since god knows when- wish I had a version number. Pre-Steam, for sure. I was really excited to see the game on Steam. Having played on and off for over a decade, I felt super proud to be a part of the community and really happy for the creator. But I digress.

I managed to get the client back to looking the way I like it, plus a few great little quality-of-life changes (health bars?!), but after starting a new character this morning and reaching level 17 before dying in the first Temple, I now know there were... other changes, which surprised me.

Was off to a great start, getting 7LB and an artifact sling before UD3! I absolutely needed both of them to survive against the Vile Spirit on UD4. That certainly took me off guard.

Found out the hard way that Darkforge raids aren't really a thing any more. I somehow managed to survive and escape the mess I got myself into there, and was very proud of myself. Finished the Pyramid and Graveyard, neutralized the big room and gave myself carpel tunnel farming herbs. Was really excited to go back to Dwarftown to get crowned, except... not. Apparently there's now a piety cap on herb offerings. Well, okay I guess.

Is there a "new" way to get crowned? I found that luring & [O]ffering every Ogre in Thrundarr's quest to the Dwarftown altar got me close-ish, despite some pretty brutal civilian casualties. Is there a better way to do it consistently?

Also wondering what other nasty surprises are in store for me. Just based on context from today, I'm assuming the Casino has been changed in some regard. Am I right? What other big things?

Thanks!! It's good to be back!

Vile spirits aka ghosts can be turned off if you want to.
Some of your characters return as vile spirits when they die, they are buffed versions of your dead characters with a bit of extra loot.
What really turned me off with them is that if you throw away a couple of strong characters and then try to play elf merchants or something else fragile it extra penalizing and is subject (for me) to playing stronger and stronger race/class/stat combinations.

As you can expect with the herb cap, pacifying big room is not needed, sure if you enjoy the exercise np but it's mostly considered a waste of time.
Also moss/morgia training is capped at potentials (you can with a bit of luck push a bit past 25 if you mass train at 24), no ring of weakness/diseased scumming needed.

Another important change is that mobs will see through your invisibility if you hit them in melee, with spells and range I think there's a good chance but not certain, still extremely useful.