View Full Version : Shops super easy to rob?

12-17-2018, 08:51 AM
In the latest version shopkeepers never seem to notice me anymore when I'm invisible, making it extremely easy to rob them repeatedly. Has anyone else noticed this? Not sure yet about the casino, haven't tried yet. I only tried with high stealth skill so far.. not sure if this has to do with it or not. Was this a deliberate change or is it a new bug?

12-17-2018, 03:15 PM
It was a deliberate change to have Stealth be a factor in whether shopkeepers notice you while invisible 6044 (https://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=6044). Believe it or not, it was actually even better when this change was initially implemented 6084 (https://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=6084). Invis shoplifting can work up to around DL 25, but I've never been able to get it to work in casino.

12-17-2018, 04:02 PM
Yeah, I've just tried the casino too and he immediately noticed. But I was able to keep robbing the new potion shop completely empty through multiple restocks. With that you can of course fuel a lot of chaos alchemy.. it looks like scrolls of chaos removal will actually be the limiting factor to this abuse. :cool:

It also makes crowning easy again: sell artifacts to Waldenbrook, steal them back, etc. 100k gold in no time.

12-21-2018, 02:34 PM
Have noticed the same. It is particularly easy with Luuk'Sort in the Borderlands which gives a fairly unlimited supply of the more common potions. Waldenbrook however has observed my characters after a couple of thefts on each game. I can't help wondering (if similar mechanics are employed in any future ADOMs) if a shopkeeper who has their shop emptied (or a significant percentage of it) they would notice afterwards and perhaps employ a 'see-invisible' assistant.
This would logically increase prices 20% or so to pay assistants wages.
If the thief only stole less than a given percentage of goods (10% ?) perhaps the shopkeeper would do nothing (shopkeeper thinks 'must be those pesky kids again').
Given that there is a Merchant's Guild isn't there a possibility that after a spate of robberies (3 or 4 ?) most shopkeepers might start employing 'see-invisible' assistant even before they had been cleaned out.
I guess there would always be one or two Arkwrights who wouldn't employ an assistant for any reason.
(for those who may never have watched Arkwright is a reference to Ronnie Barker's parsimonious shopkeeper in the BBC sit com Open All Hours)