View Full Version : I kicked the innocent wall. I didnt know if I'm to laugh or cry.

05-07-2008, 11:40 PM
This wont go into YASD, I guess. I'm attaching the screenshot. Seriously, what the hell?

P.S. I will attach it as a ZIP. Screenshot got messed up, because my screenshot is 640x300, and resolution limit is 620x280. Very odd.

05-08-2008, 12:48 AM
that's some seriously nice damage, must remember to try to use a wall on th4e next greater moloch i encounter ;)

05-08-2008, 12:56 AM
You hurt your foot kicking the wall! You die... (more)

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Nina St:12 Le:30 Wi:16 Dx:17 To:18 Ch:12 Ap:24 Ma:25 Pe:15 N-
DV/PV: 31/3 H: -984144182(102)147(147) Exp: 16/205503 I20 LE: 487

Well, I know that a PC will recieve damage, if they kick
statues, while having less than 4 PV points. I suppose
it's the same for kicking walls. Must have been one
super kick though, to reduce your HP's like that. You
must have taken the 'strong legs' talent : )

Just joking, I have no idea what caused that.

05-08-2008, 05:46 AM
Ouch, that is some serious pain... I seem to remember someone else posting something similar one time on RGRA. An odd bug to be sure....

Why were you kicking the wall anyway? What did it ever do to you? Perhaps it was taking revenge for all the walls that have been kicked before - their rage building up slowly as adventurers pass through shoving their greasy footprints all over the silent grey sentinels, not to mention taking them to pieces with pick axes...

05-08-2008, 02:18 PM
I kicked the suspicious wall, thinking that there may be a corridor behind it! I had a recent backup of this character and I loaded it. I kicked a wall again, and same thing happened. I loaded and it happened again. I dont kick walls anymore. I would always be able to kick a wall once, and if I kick another time without moving, this happens. I havent really tested it though. So yeah, the wall killed me (that crazy wall!)

05-09-2008, 12:01 AM
Interesting that it is a reproducible bug.