View Full Version : (Nothing important) Line count of adom source

05-18-2008, 01:22 PM
Just found these in the TECHSTAT.DOC that ships with the DOS version.

Nothing new, more a note to myself.

637 1747 17846 adom.c
415 1133 9605 alchemy.c
366 1178 8907 arena.c
266 769 5664 casino.c
2079 5333 49301 cast.c
748 2132 17800 cfg.c
539 1815 14380 chaos.c
178 756 5194 check.c
3326 10109 76095 classp.c
700 1940 15542 color.c
6050 16495 148006 combat.c
251 860 7253 crc.c
835 3490 29684 death.c
228 573 4383 debug.c
664 1972 15881 dip.c
450 1347 10657 dirserv.c
1702 3832 31699 display.c
1854 6701 46948 dlevel.c
1870 4615 41266 drink.c
2095 4888 50169 eat.c
423 1373 11113 endgame.c
364 1237 9944 error.c
274 914 7151 etemple.c
105 419 2851 event.c
1410 9510 66804 faq.c
259 2224 13759 fortune.c
7089 19174 158805 game.c
65 226 1651 gcount.c
1057 2624 22266 help.c
445 1154 9493 hiscore.c
99 318 2084 horde.c
3517 9647 95166 init.c
3806 10489 85233 invent.c
11473 40644 311895 item.c
1540 3154 34514 jtcurses.c
819 1402 18758 jtfont.c
611 1017 14719 jtlaunch.c
380 630 8492 jtpublic.c
391 656 8834 jtscreen.c
1304 4477 36283 kbd.c
42 225 1388 license.c
961 2605 19092 llio.c
586 1769 11897 llsys.c
469 1038 8552 log.c
1324 3941 26287 macros.c
4397 31679 209560 manual.c
5820 17435 126255 map.c
1005 2560 23995 mcraft.c
312 941 7491 mdrink.c
234 657 5104 message.c
1877 5681 42563 minv.c
108 356 2346 mlist.c
1538 4149 32756 mmagic.c
4321 14474 109483 mmove.c
1198 5707 45211 monmem.c
12447 83459 579208 monster.c
626 1597 13696 pick.c
291 786 5897 pit.c
6224 17012 140525 player.c
605 1263 12958 pool.c
77 205 1680 process.c
1091 4000 31064 quest.c
1242 7370 42313 question.c
2211 6999 58594 read.c
894 2583 19590 rooms.c
1011 2250 20020 save.c
1424 4551 33382 shop.c
3932 11096 97007 skills.c
1980 6026 70538 special.c
1474 4629 37038 spells.c
1151 2956 26296 talents.c
5144 16420 133492 talk.c
2009 6052 49704 temple.c
3125 9608 79107 throw.c
457 1473 10787 timetab.c
1650 4705 39608 trap.c
2312 6750 54559 use.c
682 2013 19248 vault.c
95 369 2594 version.c
648 2147 16881 weapon.c
544 1600 11893 weather.c
1062 3491 24497 wenc.c
912 2399 20016 wish.c
1996 5230 43101 zap.c
40 126 851 alchemy.h
35 124 881 arena.h
28 114 759 casino.h
38 142 1022 cast.h
44 142 1033 cfg.h
69 223 1755 chaos.h
25 109 700 check.h
41 129 908 classp.h
68 248 2622 color.h
74 247 2228 combat.h
419 1674 11801 config.h
45 153 1072 crc.h
26 113 721 death.h
49 138 995 debug.h
25 109 678 dip.h
59 223 1729 dirserv.h
123 335 3002 display.h
157 398 3968 dlevel.h
31 127 853 drink.h
26 109 679 eat.h
40 125 861 endgame.h
32 125 804 error.h
26 113 741 etemple.h
25 109 695 event.h
25 112 687 faq.h
26 111 725 fortune.h
36 130 906 game.h
25 109 703 gcount.h
62 213 1697 global.h
37 143 1026 help.h
37 133 985 hiscore.h
32 120 744 hive.h
20 65 439 horde.h
80 165 1514 includes.h
35 124 888 init.h
179 394 4477 invent.h
801 2736 30562 item.h
107 301 2419 jtcurses.h
24 77 503 jtfont.h
17 64 417 jtlaunch.h
17 65 447 jtpublic.h
23 74 495 jtscreen.h
92 308 3345 kbd.h
66 448 2606 license.h
54 165 1354 llio.h
111 391 2691 llsys.h
112 468 2943 llvar.h
50 159 1217 log.h
95 326 2450 macros.h
47 175 1198 manual.h
258 795 6922 map.h
40 133 1099 mcraft.h
29 119 779 mdrink.h
28 116 800 message.h
105 552 3542 mint.h
118 374 3241 minv.h
159 455 3476 mmagic.h
99 476 3023 mmove.h
63 198 1597 monmem.h
892 2847 29685 monster.h
32 124 814 pick.h
36 137 940 pit.h
1137 2983 27069 player.h
27 116 753 pool.h
31 116 781 process.h
39 131 985 quest.h
21 69 493 question.h
39 135 957 read.h
139 425 3510 rooms.h
62 213 1596 save.h
54 177 1412 shop.h
87 245 2412 skills.h
30 117 778 special.h
88 247 2549 spells.h
149 250 3259 talents.h
34 123 847 talk.h
74 204 1902 temple.h
34 129 880 throw.h
89 223 1623 timetab.h
50 167 1264 trap.h
31 126 844 use.h
26 111 724 vault.h
42 141 941 version.h
94 226 1939 weapon.h
36 123 862 weather.h
29 113 751 wenc.h
28 111 704 wish.h
40 166 1104 zap.h
39 162 1098 Makefile
285 739 7507 makefile.linux
79 201 1633 makefile.dos
119 500 3500 makeman
334 2565 20490 makefile.dep
151172 525941 4153249 total