View Full Version : tension room of quickling queens

06-06-2008, 10:33 AM
I just run into a tension room full of quickling queens on D:13/ D:14 (bypassing the animated forest).

With my level 17 monk I barely escaped using teleportation (with no control).

Only trained unarmed melee and bows. also fire bolt is available.

Any idea how to get the corpses there or should I just ignore it completely?

06-06-2008, 11:04 AM
Bypassing the animated forest means you found them in the Dwarven Halls, right?

Unless you get yourself to level 35 or more and have high power ball spells (Fire Bolt will NOT do, neither will missiles, because quickling queens are very hard to hit), you're going to get killed trying to get those monsters. They have poisonous attacks that add up with each time they hit you. Also, you should be at least elven if you want to actually use the corpses in great numbers, because they shorten your lifespan by 25%.

Some tension rooms are near impossible to take out. Call yourself lucky that you escaped at all!

06-06-2008, 11:09 AM
Dwarven Halls was it, yes.

I will just skip it than...

Thanks for the advice.