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View Full Version : Bug with passive healing?

07-03-2008, 04:53 PM
So this happened quite in the beginning of the game.
I was fighting my way to down in PC when I suddenly went to bleeding state...
After I tied my wound I decided to stay in the room where I was and heal a bit, I was low on hp...

...And it did'nt work at all. I waited more than 200 turns there and my HP was stuck in 7, no matter if I tried 'w' command or just pressed 5 - It didnt move at all.
I was playing gnome wizard with healing skill more than 50 so I should had a decend healing rate.

Afterwards I ran out of the room and killed the first monster I saw (giant bat) and then the passive healing was working again, this seemed pretty weird for me so I decided to post here. Anyone know whats the issue?


07-03-2008, 05:37 PM
Special room.

"The aura of this room seems to be devoid of all life!" message - HP regeneration rate is reduced to 0.

07-03-2008, 05:38 PM
Meh... Thats the reason for sure. Sorry for being dumb :p

07-03-2008, 10:19 PM
Be very careful in rooms that are filled with a deadly and chilling silence. All damage is multiplied by 10. This can be exploited though.

07-04-2008, 12:33 PM
Don't feel too dumb, Subconscious... I've asked on the other forum once why the hell I kept kicking the air when I wanted to kick down a door. So you're not alone!