View Full Version : Ch'tisael, the dark elven mindcrafter (UCG)

08-25-2008, 10:43 AM
My second ultra, getting better at this. ;)
I should also stop wasting time on writing all these long stories.. :P

08-26-2008, 09:19 PM
I quite surprised a character so relatively weak can beat up Andy. And furthermore surprised that a character without Healing is viable. I also have day 90 'noia... so... I wouldn't ever spend 45 days to get a completely random artifact. Nice to see victory from a completely different playstyle/philosophy :D. Good game mate :D.
Oh.. one thing though... why use a Book of Light to train mana and not just invoked powers? Seems like going over the river after water to me.

08-26-2008, 11:07 PM
I wanted to do druid quest for additional ratling food and/or guaranteed cold spells for TotHK. (Torc was not that useful, since I fed the ratling very late, oh well). Healing is pretty obsolete if you are born at Candle it seems - I never played a serious character without it before, so it was nice change. And as for the character's weakness - I could make him much more powerful by smithing, more stat training and other means, but I just want to play, not do some boring stuff. If he dies - well, better luck next time! (see my archer in YAVP :P)

My previous UNE winner didn't care much about day 90 since she didn't have 7LB, and wilderness travel without them takes lots of time. The difference in corruption rate was clearly visible though (not that it mattered much in the end).

I also started doing some precrowns only very recently, and it seems I have good luck with them so far ;)
It's PITA though, especially for neutrals - rarely doing more than 1. This character was very weak though, so I was very happy to get RoI.

Mindcratft powers don't train mana stat :(

08-27-2008, 03:35 PM
Healing is never obsolete in my eyes. It stacks nicely with Candle. And btw asking for precrowns is also affected by Candle (and a more powerful longterm effect to me - I don't know why people dont use piety more than they do). I dont think I ever spend more than 20 days getting a couple of crowns using live sacs. The real trick to keeping the time under control is limiting overland travel. Did you know that a water hex takes 3 times shorter to transverse than a swamp hex?
I smith and train stats mostly because I want to be _sure_ I will win. I dont find it boring at all.
Btw once you are crowned you should get your alignment to C and wait with going C- until you have to step through the gate. There is a major corruption rate difference. And since you have a fairly long list of corruptions I presume you didn't have super abundant corruption cleaners.
That said I like your devilish and carefree mentality as mentioned before. Would be disasterous if all of us where boring numbercrushers :D.
And I learned something new too! I always thought Ma was trained by regenerating power points. Seems like I am wrong. Since TB mentioned the posibility of a bug fix to the game at some point one should make a RFE/Bug report about lack of Ma training by invocation.

08-27-2008, 04:04 PM
Btw once you are crowned you should get your alignment to C and wait with going C- until you have to step through the gate. There is a major corruption rate difference. And since you have a fairly long list of corruptions I presume you didn't have super abundant corruption cleaners.

I was crowned just before the final battles, and since I needed to be extremely corrupted to enter chaos gate, limiting corruption was not needed. ;) I didn't have as much SoCRs/PoCCs as usual, but it was enough - I just didn't bother to keep myself totally clean once inside cHaOs plane :)

And yes, I too thought just regenerating PP does train mana.. Too bad mindcraft seems to be different :/