View Full Version : Putty/ADOM recorder final (?)

09-18-2008, 10:38 AM
Finally had the time to implement missing functionality: free seeking through "movie" on replay, pause, frame-by-frame advancement. Also "downgraded" to VS2005. Added some improvements to recording code, demos should take a bit less space and be more accurate.

If you ever wanted to record your own or other's games from the server but couldn't, now's your chance.


After few days of coding, my Putty Recorder seems to have all basic functionality working. It's a windows gui program that let's you capture all PuTTY's output much like Dosrecorder does for normal console applications. Captured output forms a "text movie" which can be replayed later. Demo files are compressed and pretty small.

1. NT based Windows.
2. Putty v0.60 (http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe) (others won't work (at least for now)).
3. Visual C++ 2005 libraries (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=32BC1BEE-A3F9-4C13-9C99-220B62A191EE&displaylang=en) (if you don't have them already).

Basic usage
Select putty's instance you want to record from the listbox. Real-time preview will be visible. Choose demo file where you want to save data. Click Record. Click Stop when finished. Playing is similar, but you can also set position, pause and manually advance one frame backward/forward.

Known issues
Crashes if recorded Putty window is resized (terminal dimensions change).

To do
Support for multiple Putty versions
Export to AVI :P

Source (VC++ 2005 project) and binary (in the Release directory):