View Full Version : Monsters

10-08-2008, 12:56 AM
I have observed this several times with various monsters:
They gradually become more powerful, not through the course of the game, as the PC levels up, but within the few turns after the PC starts fighting it. This is especially common with the Skeleton King, Griff, and Nonnak, as those monsters I can still risk standing next to or even try to kill in melee. What always happens is that they could not hit me at first, and even they do, they inflict only single-digit damage. However, 5-10 turns later, they hit me a lot more, and the damage get into the 20 and 30's, and critical hits occur a lot more often. I have observed this with all my PCs. I wonder if this is just a statistical phenomenon or has something to do with game mechanics.

By the way, do monsters spawn to be more powerful if the PC is cursed? My very promising assassin got absolutely raped by the ACW. The guidebook said it had 90 something speed, but the one that killed my PC had 132. Interestingly, I observed the above effect as well. At first, it was not able to confuse me at all nor hit me often with my 60-70 DV. However, about 20 or so turns later, every time it cast the spell I became confused. Even when I switch my tactics to coward which brought my DV to about 105, the wyrm was hitting me 100% of the time (I am not exaggerating). It felt really unfair. Can anyone tell me how to make sure that at least I don't get an ACW with such outrageous speed next time?

10-08-2008, 04:45 AM
I've never noticed monsters becoming more powerful as a fight

As for the effect that the 'cursed' intrinsic has upon monster
spawning, I would be inclined to say yes, I think monsters are
generated as more powerful if you are cursed. I don't have any
code dived info on that though, it's just a feeling I have gotten
over the years.

As for the ACW, have your Wi, De, and To stats at ~25, the
Water Orb equipped for emergency healing and a +10 Wi boost,
and be at least exp. level 19, and have some means of dealing
decent damage, even if it's just a high skill in thrown rocks. Also,
make sure you are not cursed or doomed. That alone is enough
to kill the ACW nearly every time, but if you like, you can add
piety for luck, extra confusion resistance, a means of blinding/
confusing/stunning/paralyzing, and the Ahnk for extra luck. I
think stunning is so powerful it's almost like cheating : )