View Full Version : Worst, Dungeons, Ever.

12-24-2008, 08:04 AM
Alright, I got the "long lost brother" message on a raven sign, and felt like playing a monk. Not exactly optimal, but whatever. As I understand, that causes more unusual things to be generated in dungeons. I was feeling bold, so I went to the unremarkable dungeon. Everything went wrong. EVERYTHING. It was absurd. I spent 6 hours trying to get things under control.

First of all...almost every level in the UD had a vault of oozes...and I couldn't find a pair of gloves until I entered the caverns of chaos. I tried to avoid contact and just blitz through the UD as quickly as possible, but I needed to use a weapon to get past the oozes blocking my escape route, so I grabbed a sword and shield. BOTH of them were cursed. I didn't find out the sword was cursed until after I got out of the UD though, because I didn't have the time to go re-equipping items with oozes assaulting me. Well, I survived, and decided to head to the caverns of chaos and try to get rid of these cursed items...I plunged there, and MORE ooze vaults. EVERY vault had ooze. I finally found some gauntlets, but I had a -7 1d7-7 sword that was cursed, and no way to deal with it. No scrolls of uncursing, and no potions of water. I continue fleeing down to dwarftown, then unload everything I can to get my deity happy. I also had a cursed hat btw, but it was good. I get my piety up pretty good with sacrifices SIs. I pray...hat is uncursed(damn), I go to pray hoping it'll hit my weapon..."Take this for your impunity" I get my entire inventory cursed. WTF? I had a LOT of piety, and it blew through ALL of it. So now I can't really stay in the caverns of chaos either, so I go to the infinite dungeon, at level 10 no less, and scum it til I get a scroll of uncursing and a potion of water. I kept the SI with me there and didn't go very deep, and then head back to the CoC and back down to dwarftown...get my stuff uncursed, put on gloves, and go melee.

On my way through the UD, I had stablized a large number of herbs, so I head to do the druid quest since I finally have my character under control. The quest is a piece of cake, and I proceed back to the caverns of chaos, and starts clearing those vaults, after getting my defense really high. With my defenses, I couldn't really get hit except for very rarely. Even if paralyzed by a gelatinous cube, I'd un-paralyze before they could hit me again. I proceed slowly and carefully, making sure never to get more than one next to me at once. I search a wall, and find a room full of green oozes, and get hit and sicked. I use a curaria mancox and keep going. A gelatinous cube somehow comes from the entrance to the vault(not sure how it got there), so I head back to try and deal with that before it causes problems. I strike it once...green ooze sickens me, which lowers my DV enough for the cube to chain paralyze me, and I die.

I think the total number of ooze vaults was sitting around 13 or 14 that entire game. It was just ridiculous. The RNG completely screwed me there, and the most ironic part was that I named my character chance. =/

12-24-2008, 01:52 PM
thats friggin awesome lol. not really, but I always feel i never get enough vaults maybe 5 in a whole game. Thats when you find some really nice boots and start kickin slimes to death!!!