Interrupt/cancel long running commands like "w."
issueid=1039 05-13-2012 08:03 AM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Khym Chanur: 33
Interrupt/cancel long running commands like "w."

If I accidentally hit "w." instead of "w>" then there's no way to stop waiting for 100 turns. Pressing another key while should stop the command.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1039
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category UI
Status Suggested
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version ADOM II 0.2.7
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 2
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

05-13-2012 02:13 PM
Junior Member
This shouldn't be an issue for "waiting" - 100 turns isn't that long so you just end up killing some time - but it should be possible to interrupt movement (e.g. w#), since otherwise you have to walk back manually.

Or, you should be able to go "w*" or something, and then get a cursor which you can move to any destination on the current level.

05-13-2012 02:49 PM
Qui Qui is offline
Senior Member
Quote Originally Posted by Sam Handelman
Or, you should be able to go "w*" or something, and then get a cursor which you can move to any destination on the current level.
There already is double-click.

05-14-2012 03:00 PM
Ancient Member
In the particular case of w. and w>, I think this is just a really unfortunate keymapping and instead of building in interrupts, it might just be better to not have two different w* commands mapped to the same key.

05-14-2012 05:06 PM
Ancient Member
Quote Originally Posted by JellySlayer
In the particular case of w. and w>, I think this is just a really unfortunate keymapping and instead of building in interrupts, it might just be better to not have two different w* commands mapped to the same key.
That's an ethnocentric comment :P In my Spanish keyboard, the . and > keys are very far apart.

Not saying that the keymapping shouldn't be changed if it's really problematic in the keyboard layouts of many users, but it's worth keeping in mind that whatever helps in one layout might be a nuisance in another.

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