Climbing Benefit
issueid=3843 08-30-2015 11:42 PM
Number of reported issues by palandus:
Climbing Benefit
Allow for climbing in mountains without a Climbing Set with the Climbing Skill, but have a chance to fall to death.

Since the climbing skill is all about climbing stuff, it would make sense to allow the player to climb mountainous regions without a climbing set. However, there is a drawback to this; every movement rolls a die, and if you get a poor roll, you slip and fall to your death. The higher the skill, the less likely it is to occur. Of course if you have a climbing set, you don't have to concern yourself with this. However, for those with exceptionally high climbing skill, they should be able to climb mountains without requiring the climbing set, with a chance of fatal falling.
Issue Details
Issue Number 3843
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category Windows 8.1 (NotEye)
Status Suggested
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version ADOM r60
Implemented Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 2
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

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