Provide one unified command for environment interaction
issueid=4013 11-18-2015 05:20 PM
The Creator
Number of reported issues by adom-admin: 499
Provide one unified command for environment interaction

E.g. SPACE or ENTER (like in ADOM II). The game then needs to analyze the environment and offer all possible commands in a reasonable presentation. And allow selection by pressing one key. It should include actions like "open door to the west".

The idea here is to help new players by explaining one command for item usage ('u') and one for environment interaction (e.g. SPACE or ENTER). Combined with one movement command for exploration ('-') you suddenly need to learn very little.
Issue Details
Issue Number 4013
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Implemented
Priority 1 - Highest
Suggested Version ADOM r61 (v2.0.0)
Implemented Version ADOM r64 (v2.0.3)
Milestone Potential work pipeline
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 2
Assigned Users adom-admin
Tags (none)

11-22-2015 04:00 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Milestone changed

12-05-2015 12:29 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Accepted to Implemented
  • Issue marked as addressed
  • Addressed version changed from Unknown to ADOM r64 (v2.0.3)

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