Crushed by tons of luggage by picking up stuff
issueid=1538 12-23-2012 06:25 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by ilyak: 1
Crushed by tons of luggage by picking up stuff
Picking up items fast can lead to you being suddently crushed and dead

My character, level 50 Orc Ranger with str 12 (stop laughing) was standing on a huge pile of his equipment.
I forgot to take and equip my girdle of carrying and orb of elemental fire, and instead pressed "pick up items primitively" ;
and then Y (pick up everything without prompting)
After pressing enter for some time, my character suddently died of overburden.

I think there should be some kind of prompt (where default action will be to NOT die); character should not be able to pick up item if it will lead to his death.

I had all kind of regular stuff, most of it very light, but also a pile of 200k gold (weighting 2000+s). I don't remember what item was the last before I died.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1538
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Fixed
Priority Unknown
Affected Version ADOM 1.2.0 pre 3
Fixed Version ADOM 3.3.0
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 4
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-23-2012 08:21 PM
If I am not mistaken the game should prompt you at one point even after you pressed Y to ask if you want to keep picking up items. This happens when you become overburdened. You probably pressed Y again and then died from picking up the rest. I suppose it makes sense from a story point of view, you're picking the whole heap of treasure up so fast and unsecurely that you promptly get crushed by the weight of your backpack.

12-23-2012 09:27 PM
Junior Member
I believe I didn't press Y again. I could press Enter because the pickup log was very long and that's how I tackled it.

I believe that dying should never be the default action triggered by Enter.

12-23-2012 10:01 PM
Ancient Member
I don't think ADOM used to let you pick items up all the way to getting crushed by luggage. You are definitely asked whether you want to keep picking up stuff at some point - presumably once you get past Overburdened - but there's a check that should make you stop picking up items altogether, before you are crushed by their weight.

12-23-2012 10:08 PM
Junior Member
But it did. My character died while picking items up in one long ";"

12-23-2012 11:30 PM
Ancient Member
Which makes this a bug, yes! I do believe you.

12-24-2012 02:51 AM
Ancient Member
I'm pretty sure this is a long standing bug with large gold stacks (theoretically it should be possible with any stack of items, I think, but gold is the usual culprit). I thought I read something about it being fixed, but apparently not.

01-10-2013 04:09 PM
The Creator
There definitely is a safety check and I see absolutely no way it could be circumvented...

01-10-2013 04:09 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Unconfirmed to Cannot Reproduce

01-10-2013 05:22 PM
Ancient Member
Doesn't it simply say that you cannot pick the next item since you are already carrying too much? That's what happens to me when I'm overburdened and trying to pick another item.

03-01-2013 06:56 PM
Ancient Member
I just reproduced this bug in 1.1.1. By mistake, I equipped a money belt instead of a girdle of greed. When I went to pick up my item stash, the game stopped to ask how many gold pieces I wanted to take. I pressed Enter, then it asked again (which is normal when you have a girdle of greed and lots of gold; you must pick it up in "blocks" to gradually adjust your carrying capacity until you can take it all), pressed Enter, and died. :(


                                     ###########         #.....#
                                     #.........#         #.....#
       ###############################.........###########.....#   #########
       #......./....................$+.........+$......../.....#   #@......#
       #.......#######################.........#############/###   #.......#
       #.......#                     #.........#           #.#     #.......#
       #.####### ######### #######   #.........#           #.#######.......#
       #.#       #.......# #.....#   #.........#           #.......+.......#
       #.#       #.<.....###...<.#####################     #########.......#
       #.#       #......././...../...................#             #.......#
       #.#       ###################################/#########     #########
       #.#                         #......./.....^./.........#
       #......../................../.......#       #.........#
       #####################################       ###########

HiceUnaSopa   St:99  Le:46  Wi:26  Dx:71  To:27  Ch: 7  Ap:11  Ma:45  Pe:17 N=
DV/PV: 41/12   H: 0(321)      P: 427(455)    Exp: 27/3038967    UD: 8 Sp: 76
Backup SVG available on request.

09-09-2018 02:40 PM
Junior Member
I never thought it will be possible but yes. My character died because he picked up 1 gem -- one too many. I just hit enter for all prompts being sure that my PC will not pick more items because he was already carrying too much... please fix it.

09-09-2018 03:13 PM
Issue Changed by Grond
  • Attachment uploaded

This petition for a change to Confirmed was rejected
09-09-2018 03:16 PM
Ancient Member
Attached a save that can reproduce the issue.

1. Attempt to pick up the gold.
2. When prompted for the number to pick up, press Enter.
3. Select the gold when you are taken to the normal pick up screen.

09-09-2018 04:36 PM
Junior Member
svg. tested


Ctrl+p, enter, a or 1, spacebar, death

09-12-2018 12:02 PM
The Creator

09-12-2018 12:02 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Cannot Reproduce to Fixed
  • Issue marked as addressed
  • Addressed version changed from Unknown to ADOM 3.3.0

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